Let's do the work Anthony should have done months ago! Who's YOUR choice for 2nd Mic?

0  2015-07-30 by ropieandranthory

My pick: Eastside Dave McDonald from 5 years ago

My real pick: Bob Levy


David Duke, he has the anti-Jew perspective Anthony's audience craves.

Dylann Storm Roof

Dan Soder...both Anthony and Opie are dumb for not grabbing him as a co-host. And yes, really. He fits the role well. Ari Shaffir also. He has nothing to lose.

the 12 year old he's currently grooming.

Whoever doesn't plan on having a real career any time in the future

East side Dave's tongue was too big for his mouth.

Louis Farrakhan



A shotgun

Bob Levy? yuck

Myself. I am literally the only black female that has ever listened to this show. Anthony wouldn't let me open my mouth but at the very least I could generate some activity on twitter


Al Sharpton.


Sherod Small.

Nick Carpenelli