Our favorite pubic haired boy Sam Roberts talking about the Louis CK porno.

58  2015-07-30 by GumbleDog


So they do browse this subreddit daily..

What else is he gonna do? Bang that half Asian sexy slut with the fuckable face and annoying personality?

She's just dirty Caucasian with a suburban girl fake tan.

What's this bitches name?


Sam used to post on Reddit pretty regularly. Not just in this sub, either.

To be fair, it did appear on the louis sub first before eventually making it to twitter where he probably saw it.

Dude, literally the first thing Sam says in the posted clip is "so I was on reddit"

Sams' show is so much better than Opie and Jims'.

Hi Sam!

Yeah but it is on at the same time as Bennington. That's a pretty easy choice.

Sam gets a hard time for his voice. And I get it. But he's always been good. Even back when he was still green as fuck in special delivery his shows were always great.

Sam is one spooky looking dude HD is definitely not for him

That chick really is hot, she sounds hot on air as well. Sam said earlier this year that the only way he can pick up is by getting hot girls to go on and host with him.

Sam Roberts looks like someone genetically fused a q-tip with a 60 year old black man.

Sam Roberts kinda looks like Sam Rockwell if everything bad that could possibly happen to him in the womb happened without managing to kill him.

Sam's forehead is creeping me out


Sam puts on a good radio show. Much better than opie or anthony,which is shocking to say the least.


Nicole who we all know from listening to the O and A show should be a 'hole', but honestly she's a lot better at radio than Opie is by a long shot.

Jim and Nicole show when?

If this happens I hope he Chip-rolls her constantly, just like when Chip was on the Shit show and Nicole left the studio yelling "fuck off Chip!" Of course in Chippah fashion talking about her coota and asking if she takes loads in the face.

So Sam has a multi-camera visual element and Oqie can't get a photo with U2, so I guess we know who's more important to SiriusXM these days.

I enjoy the Sam Roberts program.

did Sam forget to play the "glaaaaaze your body"? fuckin mongoloid

he replays it and that bit is included later but yeah

I've never seen video of Sam before. He really squirms around a lot.

That is from the WWE action figure jammed up his ass.

I was thinking the same thing... the kid can't sit still

Imagine if this emerged during Special Delivery.

The crazy shit ESD would have to say about this

Wasn't this film brought up many many months ago or am I mistaken?


to have faked that is way too much effort. the dude made a bad decision or maybe not. i don't think his dick being on the internet is gonna change his carrer. when i saw it i don't think it was pro shot, just amateur silliness in the hotel room.

So Sam has Opie tits and is related to Hell Boy.

Sams balding. He has no chin. He squirms around a lot. And he has a great camera set up in his studio.

You mean he gets knock out easily?

Did Sam get a divorce

Sam is totally banging that hot bitch.

Sam looks like a defeated husband. Isn't he in his 30s?


Sam probably has more listeners on Sirius (fans or not) than Anthony right now, let that thought sink in

You get paid for saving laughs for opie

Hmmm.. Sam is on a platform that is in over a million homes and in people's cars. .. WOW!! aka NO SHIT SHERLOCK!

I was thinking the same thing... the kid can't sit still

That is from the WWE action figure jammed up his ass.