You're really showing us how to score, Ant

95  2015-07-30 by uppity-negro


Dani isn't remotely hot. Nicolini, however, is an old bag. That picture has to be a decade old on her best day.

Honestly, Ant has enough money he could just bang hot escorts and porn chicks for the rest of his life. Why he insists on having these "relationships" even though he says he want no commitment is the strangest part of all of this shit to me.

I've noticed that none of them have any game.

Jimmy's repeated strikeouts on Tinder are mindblowing given that he's skinny now and not a complete mess. He must have terrible game.

LOL game. He's too skinny. He's 5'7", so maybe, 140 pounds. No woman wants a 140 pound 50 year old, or a grey haired AIDS patient. He shouldn't even be on Tinder.

He's in NYC. Plenty of younger chicks who like money and a sense of humor. I find it hard to believe they all immediately google him and find out about hookers. I think he just stinks at it.

Unless you're in a boyband or a Disney Channel actor, 5'7" 140 just doesn't fly after age 15. It looks extraordinarily strange on a man with a gray hair. You have to hit the gym and become a manlet, or settle for hookers.

As for his "game", humor is most of what "game" is. I really doubt a professional comedian has worse game than most. It all comes down to him still, after all that weight lost, being an unfuckable man appearance wise.

"Water Sports" do not translate well to Tinder.

That being said, how can you not get fucked regularly in the biggest city in the US (and I'm not even counting all of his fame/social circle resume).

I'd find it hard to believe that he doesn't have game. Being quick witted as he is, puts him way above dull average looking guys I'd think. He is just not lucky.

Maybe he tries to act different around chicks. And we all know what a terrible actor he is. You don't have to be Holmes to see through the facade.

Stetten is who I would have used for the before

I don't know about you but a woman that shits the bed is a dealbreaker for me.

One man's dealbreaker is another man's fetish.


You're such a negative Nancy.

A chick with 3 self-lubricating holes is a keeper.

The best is somebody went as Jill's sheets to their shitty halloween party I can't fucking find the pic.

Agreed. But it is a simple no-deal when it comes to his current pseudo-teen.

What caused her to shot the bed, I don't remember. Did she drink too much one night.

I think it was that weight-loss drug Alli.

Oh so this happened multiple times then? I only thought it was one time when I heard it on an old show

I think it was once. Still, that's one too many times.

Booger couch, meet diarrhea mattress.

Very true

Or Xenical.

I tried taking Alli some years ago until I went out for wings and beer. Alli is fucking dangerous for your laundry and dignity

What caused her to shot the bed

She looked at his hard drive?

That would surely do it

I'd drink every last drop of her spilled goodness

I'm not familiar with this story. Is there a link to Ant talking about this?

Her diet pills or something was giving her anal leakage.

Wasn't it the same ones that made Bob Kelly and his friends shit themselves?

I think it's the pills that coined Bob saying, "trust no fart".


Pizza grease is what it was that was leaking.

It's somewhere in here I'm guessing.

Don't have time to listen to that. Wanna gimme a summary? Or is she shit the bed once pretty much all of it?

Oh no, you don't get out of it that easy.

Seriously,'s a great listen.

Worth it just for CQ's appraisal of the situation

Oh you!

Listen later then. This is one of my favorites for sure.


Yea she looks like a dorky teenager. That's what ant likes about her. This was a step up in his twisted head.

Jill Nicoleaky

That shit must have been horrendous.

You actually believe that story?

I don't believe much of anything these days, but the visual in my mind makes it impossible to forget/disbelieve.

I would have eaten her ass right after a leak. She was hot man.

No she wasn't. She looked like a plastic 40+ year old lady.

she took diet pills that made her ass leak fat so enjoy

I'd fuck that vapid cunt Dani

thats the spirit

should see if we can get a member of the AIDs club to seduce him away.

Both together. Jill leading the way, making Golightly Goloudly. Ant next door playin with his drone. Ant the cuck.......yeah.

I love how everyone just jumps on one word that they learned from the show or fans of the show--one that they previously did not know the definition of--and then use it all the time. First it was Anthony's "inane", then Jimmy's "drivel", now somebody on this sub's "vapid".

How very equivocal of you. I used those words way before I even got into the show in the first place. I also like to use "thick" but it's hard to use it now without thinking of Erock.

Some people could've known it first, but considering the "influx" of uses the past month, many people have just discovered it.

Shit, I didn't realize 3 individuals had a monopoly on the English language. Go fuck a cow, you mongoloid.

Excellent riposte.

Why, thank you.

That went from 0 to 60 quick. Slow down speed racer!

Stetten was probably the hottest of his dalliances.

Is that the weather girl? That's a pretty good shot of her because I never found her particularly attractive, with her rock tits. Dani would be decent if she ingested something other than barbiturates and put conditioner in her hair.

Yep. She's not particularly attractive, but she's still better than the 2 below here. Illustrating the point that Ant's judgement and standards are not improving.

Traffic Vixen if I recall

“A beautiful 35-year-old ain’t as as good lookin’ as an ugly 19-year-old." Patrice O'Neal

Home fucking run.... Rip big guy.

The reality is that Jill probably broke up with him. The idea of dating a shock jock was probably interesting to her, so she gave it a shot. But at some point she came to realize what a lasy, uninspired, trashy rave obsessed gun nut he is and that it isn't just an act and she bailed. She was an adult with a real career and actual thoughts and opinions and it didn't fit in line with what Anthony wanted. The poopy thing probably had some truth to it, but it was mostly Anthony blowing it out of proportion and trying to save face. Jill may not have been a ten but she was WAY out of Anthony's league in several ways and not just with looks.

She suspected that he was cheating on her, and ultimately, she found him hiding another girl in his bedroom closet:

You sound gay.

Patrice had this from day one. She'll be calling other men "Oh Anthony!" in bed for the rest of her life. Jill's much more fucked in the head than he is. He's her one that got away.

A woman who's an "adult with a real career" is a twisted wreck inside—always.

Anthony is no one's the one that got away.

That's a bad picture of her. She's definitely attractive.

You guys are just homosexuals.

What the hell did Colin say about their tryst on the show the day Ant didn't come in after the Nicolini date? Something disparaging about was glorious.

Low rent wop fuck fest

There it is, vurry good.

/u/opieanthonyjim killing it for us tonight

Long Island Royalty

Hahaha holy fuck ! Just a slight downgrade

This sub fucking sucks. Is this all it is now? Shitty meme after shitty meme.

Dani is Edward Snowden.

She's hack, yes.

Lady on top has a dinosaur mouth

Yeah, that Nicolini picture is some Back to the Future shit. Unless you are Doxx Brown, this is what she looks like now:

still delicious


I still love me some Nicolini. Ass grease and all.

Jill was in playboy..... wtf

Really puts things in to perspective. A moment of silence is in order.....

Should have kept stetton you faggot


I think she is hot as fuck

Does anyone remember that she leaked oil from her ass in his bed while sleeping?

Ants a fuckin pedophile racist douche.

Tell us how you really feel!

Did I hurt your feelings insulting your guido douche idol?

What? I never even insinuated that you literal autist.

true BUT imagine how tight the young ones pussy is. that old snatch is all widened up most likely

I would happily fuck dani for as long as she let me, or until she was 30.


Yea a bag of sagging plastic surgery with leathery skin vs. a petite young 26 year old. I don't like Ant any more than the reset of you but please stop with this horseshit where you pretend Dani is a 5. This is basically the boys pretending Amy Schumer is a hot piece of ass, but in reverse. That's how douchey this looks.