No self-restraint

2  2015-07-30 by uppity-negro


He really does have Freddy Krueger's penchant for skincare

And Freddy's sexual tastes too.


You're REALLY fucking reaching with your unfunny memes, faggot.


Are we really going to turn this place into /r/AdviceAnimals

It's just an honest and open discussion about memes.

Nope. I threw one more in and am now calling it a day. Thank you.


Your memes blow chode.

Cryptkeeper Cumia

u gay

From the brilliant "Colin spills a drink" remixes to these lame-ass memes. Man this subreddit has gone down hill.

well i just read actor james woods is suing an anonymous twitter user for 10 million dollars. at least ant has shown some restraint hasn't stooped to that level...yet

Good luck getting 10 million out of one his trailer troll followers.

Poor Anthony. He really is ugly isn't he. I hear tail he has big pekka so there's that. I bet it has an Opie shaped mole on it.

Hahah "Hear tail"...fuck man.

Deliberate. I swear.

watch out stengel brothers, we have a young buck here ready to take your jobs.


"Angry because blacks"

Should have just stopped there.

I mean white people do awful shit all the time, so do mexicans, asians, etc.

It's so odd, his obsession. Is he scared? I mean I get that people can be racist, but I don't understand how it can overwhelm a person as much as it does Ant. It's sad, honestly.

Is that what you call your interactions with girls? Restraint?

It's just an honest and open discussion about memes.