Ni**er Rich?

63  2015-07-30 by uppity-negro


Got first credit card - immediately bought a jetski.

He is the things he hates. He would be the biggest piece of shit in the trailer park, if not for teaming up with Opie. Now he is the biggest peice of shit in a gavonned out house in Long Island. He has a pool ladies and gentleman. A pool.

I can remember Anthony going on, and on about how he used to steal from his employers back in the day, sleep on the job, and generally find whatever excuse he could to get out of working yet he's got the nerve to go after an entire race and call them 'lazy'. I also remember Anthony getting called out by both Opie and Ron Bennington for the amount of days he missed while working at SXM. Hung over from last night? Definitely not doing a show.

Remember when Jim Norton had his new hour special coming out and had to do the show with David Lee Roth because Anthony was to lazy to come in and promote something for his friend?

Anthony is a piece of shit.

He slept on air before

Got fans credit card info - posted it to twitter.

That's what I fear if he has more meltdowns, he got my address and name via PayPal

Even his mother accused him of it, remember.

She wouldn't remember

Your phone cut out

" Hundreds and hundreds of years ago, uh, you see, uh, the Moors conquered Sicily."


that's a typo.

Does no on remember Ants stories about running from repo men and defaulting on credit cards when he was poor? He was just as stupid as every schmuck in the hood he hates.


As long as he stays away from lavish, stupid "I'll show yous guys: I'm doing great!" spending, he should be fine.

I'm not really confident he will, though.

So he's just like all those super religious republicans who end up getting caught trying to fuck other men. Just hating themselves in truth.

Nope don't remember that. Why would I?

Tss I thought this was about a black guy named Rich tsss

Home Run Chipperson!


Don't forget, the man has a pool. Above ground too. Check yourselves.

Is it above ground? I thought it was below.

I think it is actually in-ground. An underground pool would just be silly.

You, sir, have a point and I stand corrected. That would be a cenote, I guess.

That would cost at least 2 or 3 thousand dollars

Rich isn't a nigger! He's a JKB! Ya piece of gawbage!


Such a Moore Whop

He better start producing a quality show or he's really gonna end up nigger rich.

Wow, a recycled joke about Anthony but this time in meme form.

This sub fucking blows.

hilarious. u shuld write 4 opie and jim.

just fucking say nigger you faggot

nigger you faggot


Take us out, piggy boy!


Only difference is Ant can afford to waste the money. Those that are nigger rich, can't.


I don't think you know what Nigger Rich means.

Having very little money, and wasting it stupid shit. Or spending money the second you get it or stupid shit. Take your pick. Neither of which would apply to Ant.

The second absolutely applies to Ant and the first isn't a thing you shitdick.