Tensions are high here. Let us remember a simpler time last year when this made us all laugh

23  2015-07-30 by BoardroomBimmy


the worst was when he showed this shit to Colin Quinn on air. So uncomfortable

Do you have any idea when this happened?

I've never heard this character brought up on air, I want to check that out.

Me as well. I would absolutely love to hear Colin's reaction.

I think it would have been like a year ago or so, when Colin came on. Opie was in the beginning of his post-Anthony trying-to-figure-out-what-the-fuck-I'm-doing phase and Colin was pretty much silent but you could feel his judgement and how uncomfortable it was. I don't think Opie brought the character back


Remember when Opie said he thought maybe he was a "voice guy"? Never mentioned again after that day as far as I know.

How can a man, who for years was surrounded by and worked with some of the funniest people on the planet, be so fucking clueless as to what is funny. This is something that only 9 year old children MIGHT find funny.

Opie's inability to be funny reminds me of UFC announcer Mike Goldberg. The man is a fucking dope. Always saying retarded stuff or just not doing his job because he doesn't know much about what he is watching despite working hundreds of events and being around fighters for almost 20 years


I think you've got your hate mixed up there, buddy.

How did that not go viral

What's really sad is that there's shit on Opie's YouTube channel which is arguably even worse than Loves the Internet Guy: the Philly Crew, AMAZING blind basketball shot, the pig woman eating the bacon sundae. The list goes on.

I downvote every Opie Radio video on principle regardless of the content.

Holy fuck why did he keep these on his youtube page? "Loves the internet guy" is the dumbest fucking shit ever and makes him look like beyond a hack for even thinking it's a worthy idea to make a video with. Christ.

When it backfired and people hated it and gave him shit for it, he tried to play it off as if 'that was the bit, to not be funny at all'.. so if he deletes it, he'd just be admitting that he tried to be funny with it

Its always the bit!

It's an easy out when you get called out for doing something cringy.

  1. Do cringy thing that you legitimately found funny

  2. Everyone calls you out on it

  3. Say "Duh! Of course you were supposed to call me out on it! I knew it was cringy the whole time! Haha jokes on you!"

It's literally impossible to lose an argument that way, simply based on a technicality.

oh fuck

I can't even explain the feeling I get watching that.


ugh that animation is terrible, nice black keys poster lol

Is that what that is? Oh, nevermind. I forgot that Opie is All In with The The Black Keyes.

He's REALLY into them these days

Viral Spiral recruiters must have been very convincing. This might be the worst thing I've ever seen on the Internet.

Ironically I now hate the internet

So embarrassing. A guy surrounded by comics for decades and not a scrap of funny took hold.

I've NEVER seen this before....wow lol.

I'm really hoping that's opies attempt at trolling this sub, but I'm just not certain...