Ant should bring his beef with reddit to the show

28  2015-07-30 by Lilcumia

Why not go over threads on the show and point out and explain how we're wrong.

He knows this sub is full of potential subscribers considering we know who he is behind the paywall he created.

Nothing else he talks about is interesting. Him going at the 'assholes' (nh) would make it compelling.

By not talking about it gives his show more of a censored vibe.


Yes, that's what his show needs, more talk about Reddit and Twitter.

He just had a rant on reddit. You didn't think that was funny? What do you want on the show?

Not him talking about a cunt like you that's for darn sure.

How about some steaks or sumptin? DVV DVV DVV

Wordplay yoomah

More like wormplay, am I right gang?

Wormplay is wen im tuggin my peckah

then all the fawkin jizz comes out

Outta the wormhole DVVVV DVVVVV

That would require effort. It's much easier for him to crack open another beer and pretend everything is going great.

He would never. He doesn't want to talk about being catfished by a grown man pretending to be 15. Or how he fucks girls under 18.

Let's have an open and honest discussion about pedophilia. You gross grandpa loser.

He once Tweeted that he would fuck Ava Sambora

He's actually referenced the sub talking about it in the most subtleist of ways. He was looking at some jailbate pic and said (paraphrasing)"now don't go online and say she's 14." He's also commented here about it when people were asking if Keith was the hunter. He deff doesn't want to say more tho.

It strikes me as a complete lack of understanding what the subs want by avoiding the critisism and then pop up a clip about politics or blacks. The show for me is nearing how OnJ is where the fan backlash gets ignored and just becomes a bland, pointless show. A waste of time. I can see me unsubing soon. The polite-chuckeling, this is going great, don't make topics about me uncensored is like an anti-OnA show.

He won't really talk about it. He won't say the truth, "I thought she was 15 and had issues so I was going to try to manipulate her into taking my gross old dick"

I'd take lying about being catished over "wanna bring your attention to this video.. gang of black gentlemen."

"Im not a pedophile, i just do the things pedos do until theyre of age".



Only if he can find a way to spin it into black people hate.

I think if we try hard enough we can convince Anthony and his diehards that it was us and Something Awful who were behind the 7/3 attack. THE BLACK HOOKER'S HEELS WERE LACED WITH THERMITE PAINT!

Which would be ironic considering the only remotely black person on here (Hi everybody!) is a fan.

Stephen from Django Unchained?

In views on my fellow blacks yes, but in appearance more like Anthony Hopkins in the Human Stain. I'm lighter than Anthony and have straighter hair. I'm a day walker.

What about the five subscribers that don't use reddit.


It'd be better than constant race griping

I am sure this has been said many times, but Opie won the war just by not responding to a subreddit. Old pedophile ant thought he was impervious to the hate, jokes on him he really is human garbage.

He should threaten to have Brother Joe fist fight each and every one of us individually.

ME! ME! ME! MAKE THE SHOW ABOUT ME! Go step on a needle.

He does address Reddit shit on the show. It's just that when he does, he consistently fibs about what we're actually saying to make his argument easier.

yeah he seems to be very careful with what he addresses, for instance when he addressed the point that people were constantly giving out his address.....when did that happen?!!, or the comment "wet brain" to say we are all retarded here, that was such a nothing throw away thing, why attack that?

At this point its probably a bunch of former subscribers. Acting cunty to the people still keeping you afloat while you're on a lifeboat is pretty fucking stupid Anthony, even for you.


Don't look now boys and girls, but another black guy was killed by a cop.

What does (nh) stand for in this context? Do you think we are all from New Hampshire? Because I for one am not from New Hampshire. I know it means nice hand in online poker but that doesn't make sense here.

Nathaniel Hawthorne?

Nerf Herder?

Negro Hunter?


Oh word. Thanks for explaining.


You have serious delusions of grandeur. Nobody gives a fuck about reddit. Nobody.

So reddit is like the anthony cumia of websites.

this would require self-awareness, we're not haters, we were fans, huge fans in more than one way who hardly ever criticized Ant, we hate his shenanigans now for a good reason.

He shouldn't. He should just get to work on making a show worth listening too. Which well, isn't gping to happen either so eh



No its not.


Glad to see another Reddit user who doesn't listen to the show posting another ignorant thread.


Try actually listening before posting your stupid.

That last sentence.

Luis brought up the doxxing stuff. That's not what this thread is about.

They talked about more than just DOXXing in regards to Reddit.

Thanks for trying.