This picture is actually from the future. After TACS bombs, Anthony is given his own Fox News show with a 4 A.M time slot

9  2015-07-30 by AnthonyCumiaSux


That pic is actually a photoshop. This is the original picture from the future:

The arrest is from the future but his age is from the past.

I don't think fox news would touch him. Their people say ridiculous things and have ridiculous opinions but don't cross that line where they refer to blacks as savages and animals.

Agreed, I don't know why people keep even joking that he would be hired by Fox. Hiring an openly racist ex-shock jock would only hurt the station, and any recognizability he has would be either "Who?" or "Oh yeah, that one fired guy from the radio."

Fox news at least makes people who disagree with them laugh.

Not fat enough.

That would actually be an enormous step up for Anth, but even if he wasn't a loser hemorrhaging viewers they'd never hire an Arab kiddy fiddler to front one of their shows, it wouldn't reflect well on the brand.

I hear his old radio partner is trying to get him to join the FOX family. His show will be TAPED LIVE on SATURDAY nights at 2AM!!!!

How did a you know what get on fox news?