How long before LoS and Ari realize they've attached their cart to the wrong horseface?

2  2015-07-30 by ropieandranthory

How can it possibly end well for them? They should make a break for riotcast now, dude.


Actually, it's pretty much a no-lose for the performers. They get to go in, use his gear, leave, and get paid. They have other things to rely on. It's a nice side-gig and some extra cash.

But this is Anthony's livelihood now, and it's becoming increasingly clear that he just isn't interesting or funny enough to entertain solo for 8 hours a week. You are charging in a market that is 99.9% free, you better be doing some pretty special things.

Instead it's the equivalent of verbal tweeting and awkward chuckles into emptiness.

Was it ego that told him to ignore calls for a second mic or poor business sense while insulating himself with friends and yes men?

Even with seemingly zero foresight and even worse execution I still think Anthony could have done okay for himself had he simply focused on producing a consistent, solid show. Now he's in a panic and Opie-ing all this talent on board while having to do all the legwork, topped off by being behind a fee no one but the hardcores will even consider.

If he were doing this for fun, he'd be doing just fine.

Financially? He is screwed.

i think the "fun" part of your comment is dead on. Anyone who watched Live From The Compound can see the differences.

They have to be smart enough to realize that attaching their rising star to Anthony's toxic name is not good for them in the long run. As of right now, I'm sure it's good for them to get the extra cash, but they ultimately won't need him and will leave him in the dust just like everyone else who ever crossed paths with O&A. The only way I could see them sticking around is that they are typical spineless comedians who are petrified to tell anyone else in their field that they suck and will continue to enable Anthony by saying it's just a bunch of trolls and haters. Even though Anthony is not, and never was, a comedian. I guess when you're a bum ass comedian living in some shithole in New York, an invite to a pretty big white trash house with a pool and mediocre meth head broads walking around is enticing enough to keep your mouth shut.

Ari has already hit the Ceiling with how far his career is gonna go, so I don't think signing with Ant is gonna hurt him very much. Jay on the other hand...

I see it differently and expect Ari could break it big. He's a tall Jewish Bill Burr.

Here's the thing: Ari was already hitched to Joe Rogan (who has 10,000 times the following of Ant at this point), then he went with whatever podcast network Bill Burr had going, I forgot the name. Now he's with Ant, and I wouldn't be surprised if Skeptic Tank has more subscribers than Ant does. Everywhere Ari has gone has been haunted by the "Amazing Racist" bits he did like fifteen years ago, and sidling up with Ant isn't going to help in that regard. This is a huge step backwards for him in my book. And it's a shame, because Ari is a huge talent as an interviewer.

I couldn't agree more. It's a bad move long term.

Ari makes Andy Dick look like George Clooney. There's no way he's gonna make it big, especially now that everybody and their inbred cousin is a comedian.

It's like that scene in Donnie Brasco where Pacino's "score" for the day was to try to bust open a parking meter, and the other wiseguy laments the fact that there's 1,000 wiseguys in town all fighting over the same nickel.

You could say the same thing now about NYC comedians and paying gigs.

Since when has attractiveness been a requirement for successful comedians?

Ari is basically a gargoyle, but if CK can reach stardom why is it out of the question for Ari?


Burr has made me laugh to the point of tears on countless occasions.

I want to like Ari but the few bits of his standup I've heard it's been about UFC or acid. Not very relatable for me.

That's valid. Have you seen This Is Not Happening?

I've seen bits of it on Youtube. I remember watching Kyle Kinane's set and I think one or two others.

The LOS guys bill themselves as the most offensive podcast, but they're really not that bad. At least not compared to Anthony who complains about black people 60% of the time without grace or comedy and Gavin who complains about women 60% of the time without grace or comedy.

It's a great deal for them: they get to take a paycheck off Ant before the network inevitably bankrupts him and at the same time keep their main, free podcasts going. It's not going to tarnish their brand because nobody knows or cares who Anthony is outside of his handful of subscribers anyway.

Dave talked about on his podcast a couple weeks ago after signing the LoS deal with Anthony he doesn't have to worry about money as much. He gave the example of being able to see a movie and not having to worry about his budget. I'm sure for him and Luis it's been pretty big as young comics, and they have gained fans from it. They (LoS, I don't know Ari's deal) also aren't exclusive to the network. They're still releasing their free content on a weekly basis. I think it's a win-win, they wouldn't have made the deal if they didn't believe it would help them.

Do you like Part of the Problem?

It's alright, basically just Dave talking about libertarianism and/or news topics from a libertarian perspective. I don't listen to it that often but when I do I enjoy it.

It's kind of nice to hear political talk without all of the entrenched anger behind it.

Did Ari join the network?

Yeah, I haven't heard of this either

what does ari have to do with any of this



Redditor for 5 days.

Fuck off, ballwasher. This sub is dedicated to how awesone Opie is now.

I'm only trying to keep Ant from finding my address and sending Carlton over to impregnate my wife.


