Okay, what if we started O&A shows from the past, and have discussion threads.

15  2015-07-30 by DopieandCunthony

I think it would be interesting if we all discussed about how we see Opie and Anthony now that we know so much more about them.


if you can get even 5 of the super assholes here to listen to a 3 hour youtube video with you i'll lick your gooch

I already regret this decision.

gooch pics or gtfo

I am one of the only people in this sub who still listen to classic O&A daily

That just means you have downs. Nothing more.

Fuck off gossip poster.

I'll do it.

www.opieandanthonylive.com is currently under development, we will be doing exactly that when it launches. 24x7 streaming, multiple channels, all with integrated chat rooms

We'll all grow old together in this one place. Forever talking about a show no one else ever gave a fuck about.

I'll see you there.

I see a Hale Bop style mass suicide. Everyone gets hairplugs, wears an Ozzy t shirt and eats a shotgun.

Go fuck your future self

" Where we're going we don't need roads "

Ba ba bahhh ba ba bah bahh bah bahhhhh.

So this is still happening? For the past couple months ive just been listening to all the 2010 shows on triple gunns yt and im running out. The good thing is unlike a tv show, OnA is so long and so many shows you can listen to the same shows over time and still not get old.

If anyone wants to help: PM me or CCRed95 and let us know what you can do.

I have a pekka.

I've already been doing this. Started from the first show on XM in 2004, now I'm in March of 2010. Took me three years, though. Started in 2012.

Where do you find said shoes?

a certain bay where pirates go to

How about we do it with the Patrice shows instead?

Oh god, yes. I've gone through them so many times it'd be a fun twist to discuss them as well.

On my 5th run through right now. God he had patience for Opie. He knew who massa was alright.

I suggested the same not too long ago, it never went anywhere and I'm too lazy to upload my archives anywhere.

I have a pekka.

Where do you find said shoes?