Anyone catch Florentine's reaction to Ant dating Dani on TACS?

13  2015-07-30 by Lilcumia

I duno how to embed TACS vids but it was funny. Jim was speaking highly of Vinnie Brand and it was brought up. Ant said something about her not being fat and Jim said he hadn't seen her since she was 7.


Of all the 20-something, autistic bimbos in the tri-state area, Ant had to chose the one whose dad is in the comedy biz and friends with comics. What a ghoul.

What is daddy's opinion on the matter? Does anyone actually know?

Contact him and ask


Classic pedo move.


and Jim said he hadn't seen her since she was 7.

i.e. Last month.

She's young and Ant is old

It's disgusting.

Because neither of us will have it in his age.

How old is she, anyway?

26 or 27 this sub is flipping out like she's 14.

Back when he was dating Ileana, (who's dad's a Democrat and worked for Bill Clinton) who was born in November of '94, making her 18 when they first started dating, but I'd wager he was seeing her even earlier. Back than nobody gave a flying fuck, because at the end of the day, the fans really aren't mad at Ant for dating Dani, they're mad at Ant because he isn't as funny as he once was and he's acting like an idiot and not listening to fan advice.

He was once the funniest person behind probably the funniest radio show of all time, and he quit it all to professionally incite race riots. It is just mind boggling, if that is what he wants to do dont plan on anything funny coming out of the racists mouth again.

O&A sucked for awhile before he was fired.

Because Ant refused to talk about anything other than his hatred for black people. Opie and Jim wanted to change the subject but they knew Ant would just doxx them and their entire families.

They weren't talking about black people when they were on 92.3 and the other FM stations from 2006-2008, when they lost all of those stations.

Yeah they were. You think Ant would talk about anything besides black people and minorities? Get the fuck out of here, sycophant.

You're not an O&A listener. You're a liberal attacking Anthony, because you don't like Anthony's comments on blacks.

When he makes me laugh again is when he can fuck as many 11 year olds as he wants.

that's what Gary Glitter said.

He has never made me laugh, he was always been the unfunny hack and still is, having finally exposed himself at the roast. Does that mean he has always fucked 11 year olds on a daily basis? N-....Oh wait, yes it does.

She acts like she is 14

that costs extra, apparently

14 It's disgusting.

Someone asks Hugh Grant's character what he would be like as a godfather at 1:30 -

I think Florentine already knew. There's no way it wasn't brought up on OnJ or with Jimmy alone. I'm sure it was a hot topic amongst comedians when it was first revealed. But, I don't blame Florentine for pretending not to know.

Is the Stress Factory a good club to work? Is Vinny the type of guy who wouldn't put a comic on if they're friends with the guy who's defiling his daughter? If so, that's pretty shitty for ant to mention it like that right in front of Florentine.

Did he say he hasn't seen her since she was 7 or that he hasn't seen her since she ate ketchup?

ah booooooo.

Nobody wants to watch some old racist pedo doxxer.

What are you, a ballwasher?

Be more funny

Redditor for nine minutes.


gave up the jewishprofessor account?


Redditor for nine minutes.

Be more funny

that's what Gary Glitter said.

He has never made me laugh, he was always been the unfunny hack and still is, having finally exposed himself at the roast. Does that mean he has always fucked 11 year olds on a daily basis? N-....Oh wait, yes it does.