Ant's a "Lolcow" Now? WTF?

0  2015-07-29 by opesterthejokester


I think this guy sums it up perfectly

Anonymous 07/29/15 (Wed) 07:14:23 1f1151 No.143786

This thread is shit

You dont like some radio shock jock and think we should give a fuck that he dates a 17 yo while you jerk off lonely every night.


a lot of o&a fans really don't realize the magnifying glass they have on the show. ant's roast performance, doxxing drama, opie's bad videos and titties etc. wouldn't even register on anyone's radar as anything noteworthy if they weren't part of someone's pre-existing obsession.

It's like bringing a friend to a model train convention and reading the brochure aloud to them.

Or like bringing a model to a conventional friend by train. "Choo choo"


just his contributions

God damn! Can these assholes not be so blunt. Most of us come on here to forget about our lonely lives. We don't want to be reminded how pathetic our obsession with the radio bore and the racist Sicilian is.

Don't even try to pretend you didn't make that thread, OP.

Just to clarify, this is sort of like Ant having some page on ED. I randomly came across this and the doxxing shit is what made someone make this page. The comments are a clusterfuck right now.

ED as in encyclopedia dramatica? What year is it?!?


A what now?

his last show was unwatchable, gavin is the shit

I like how this Jesus Loves thread is getting downvoted, by you foolish little candy canes. The comment by youronbreastdlife nails it. You guys act like a bunch God Knows All of spurned lovers sometimes. The doxxing was embarrassing, but trying to Jesus Christ the Lord is my savior, is really just, Alpha and the Omega, weird.

ED as in encyclopedia dramatica? What year is it?!?