OFFICIAL Rehab or Death countdown starts...NOW

34  2015-07-29 by fratboy_massacre


Opie always wins in the end

It's crazy how much the tides have turned. Opie barely gets any hate now. We all still recognize he's unfunny as can be, but Ant has really turned heel over the last few weeks. Most of the Opie hate was just made up, but pretty much everything said about Cumia is true. That's gotta sting.

Opie's unfunny and dumb that's about it.

Anthony is no longer funny, a racist, a pedophile, and delusional.

And racist

Probably because all the behind scenes stuff that Ant blamed on Opie is now being shown to be total bullshit and just a byproduct of Ant being a whiny bitch. Also it's pretty clear that the SS Pock Faced Moron needs a captain to steer the ship.

because all the behind scenes stuff that Ant blamed on Opie is now being shown to be total bullshit

No, I think it's reasonable to think that Opie is as difficult to work with as Ant implied. Jimmy more or less gave Opie a Greggshells intervention during his response, and I can absolutely see Opie relishing the power he wielded in leaving everyone in doubt during contract negotiations. Ant's laziness, alcoholism and racism are additional factors, not replacements.

Yeah, this isn't an either/or situation. They're both pieces of shit. It's just that Ant is a much bigger one. That doesn't make Opie good by any stretch.

Most of the Opie hate was just made up

Just the Bam stuff, as far as I recall. He is quite despicable for a number of good reasons.

I think it's because people just stopped listening to Opie. I used to check up on how his shitshow is doing every now and then, but now that Logan isn't uploading I'm 100% in the dark. It isnt even discussed on this sub anymore.

He really is somehow continuing to Mr. Magoo himself into success.

I miss Patrice.

Patrice would hate him by now too, like everyone else. Stop kidding yourself.

I don't think Ant would be this far gone if Patrice was around to keep him in check. Patrice had such a unique perspective on every topic that he would have forced Ant to look objectively at himself and see he's being a complete dumbfuck.

Ant has NEVER, ever looked at race objectively. He is not a critical thinker. Patrice never changed his mind, that's obvious. He just talked well and loud enough to be heard over him. Patrice wasn't a fucking magician. The racism is Anthony's millstone. patrice never convinced him of one goddamn thing, nor could he have. It was ground into him in childhood and he liked it. That's why he keeps it. It shores him up, though it's literally killing him. He thinks it's his friend. Thinks it makes him special. Patrice couldn't change that. Never did. Leave him alone. Anthony is happily delusional. I'm sure Patrice knew that.

I said it would force him to look at himself objectively, and Patrice did effect the way Ant thought when he was around. Once he passed though, Ant went full on racist, as if he forgot Patrice ever existed. I didn't even mention race in my initial reply, so we may be arguing different topics. I was more meaning Patrice would make him look at the type of shit he is doing and Ant would have to evaluate himself.

Nah, no one could do that, man. Patrice would've been the highest-paid psychiatrist on earth if he could actually make someone as bigoted and un-self-aware as Anthony more self-aware. That has to come from the person themselves. That hasn't been and is not now to be found in Anthony. You're not really seeing a changed man--just a more insulated one. He's the same man he's always been. He's shit and he's always been shit. He just used to hide it better. Anthony is a true believer--he will not see what he does not want to see, no matter the reality. If it's too hard for him to look at, he will look away and go back to his old ways. Patrice never changed his mind. It just seemed that way.

Well, we'll never really know, so we're just going in circles at this point.

Ant would never call him back after the Twitter rant. Dude was tucking his balls and crying into Gollum's pale boy body because he was afraid of calling back Burr. He would have been terrified of Patrice.

He STILL hasn't called Burr????

Patrice would be full blown famous by now and be long gone from this shit

He was way too much of a bridge-burner himself. He wasn't going to be too famous.

Near the end of Patrice's life, he was working on rebuilding bridges, and understood what a piece of shit he acted like to other people. I could see him getting his shit together professionally and setting up a podcast like everyone else did. I bet you Black Philip would've been right up there with YKWD and Monday Morning Podcast.

It's annoying me the way you just keep throwing out wild speculation as if it's fact. Who are you to say where Patrice's career would be right now?

If Patrice did become full blown famous, he wouldn't forget who the friends who helped him get to where he was are.

get to where he was are


In an alternate reality, Patrice would have been on the show the first day after the firing, shitting himself laughing, and just creating a solid four-hour block of slamming. It would have been awesome.

Oh, stop. Even Patrice would have taken a stand against racism on this level, and we'd be seeing his personal info all over the internet.

My tummy hurts.

"you fucking bashing asswipes"

Yeah, this totally isn't getting to him.

That's how you win your fans over, insult them. Fuck him. Does ant not realize his fans are a by product of what him and opie created on o&a? A bunch of asshole fans that will tear a show apart.

They both aren't good entertainers, but at least Opie is a halfway decent person with some morals.

I know it's the time to hate Anthony, that's fine I get it, but don't start saying things you're going to regret... What has Opie ever done to make you think he's a 'halfway decent person'? Fucked with homeless people? Shit on interns? Constantly lie about how him and Anthony wanted the show to end? Opie's still a narcissist bore with little to no redeeming personal qualities.

Remember how Opie would say he was Gregg Hughes playing the character Opie on the Opie and Anthony show?

That kind of thing. I highly doubt Gregg Hughes as a person hates homeless people or mercifully abuses interns. But to play it up as a bit on the radio? Sure why not. Same way Ronnie B goes, Opie's just not as skilled at it.

Plus that shit was before he married and had kids. That can change a person.

So the passive-aggressive compulsive liar who was extremely insecure and couldn't take an ounce of criticism or any jokes that went his way was just a character?

Remember how Opie would say he was Gregg Hughes playing the character Opie on the Opie and Anthony show?

I've always hated this chicken-shit rationale. "Oh, that's just my character that stomped on that homeless guy's cake; it wasn't me!" "The guy who endlessly and publically humiliated unpaid interns and in some cases (like Creampie Jones) ruined their future careers? That just was my hilarious character -- you don't know what I'm like in real life!"

Yeah, well whatever the case, I'm pretty sure the paychecks made possible by all that horse shit are made out to Gregg Hughes; they're not made out to "Opie." And the people who were the butt of his wacky stunts aren't "characters" -- they're real people who aren't in on the gag.

Opie is the only face that Gregg presents to the public; I don't know what Gregg Hughes is like as a "normal person," and I don't give a shit -- the only aspect of him I know is the one that throws poker chips and shits all over Bobo. It's like that image macro that gets posted all the time: If you act like a retard all the time, the joke's not on us for thinking that you're a retard.'s the Opie & Anthony Show...we've been trying to get them off the air for years...and now that it's finally happened we can be real and admit that Opie is a MUCH better person than Anthony.

Maybe so, but that's still not halfway decent.

Morals? Opie & Anthony? What show were you listening to?


Detective Anthony is able to ascertain people's quality of life based on their Reddit comments.

The man lives in a basement, has a podcast that reaches maybe 40 people, and will leave absolutely no legacy behind... but yeah... people should be jealous of you.

Looking forward to that NYC studio by the way. I'm sure being an unfunny hack outside of your house will mitigate the fact that you're a colossal failure.

Until Doug Stanhope dies, provided he's the god I suspect him to be, I'm not worried about Ant.

Ant is such a retard. He keeps drunkenly hammering how bad we are at doxxing. No fucking shit, nobody here was actually trying to doxx him, everyone was making fun of him.

Why don't we actually dox him? It would be hilarious to see his stupid face the next day.

Am I an idiot? The link is to a thread on this sub, but it doesn't show on the first page of the sub?

It got downvoted into oblivion because it was shit content.

I feel like it needs to be stickied. Mods, comment?

He did tell us one thing from his little drunken rant; the TACS enterprise is going very badly from an accounting standpoint, perhaps even more so than anyone here suspected.

I hope neither of these things happen, because then what would you be obsessed about 24/7?