Funniest Three Minutes in YouTube History

13  2015-07-28 by unclepaul84


The like to dislike ratio is suicide worthy


Look at those dislikes. The only people who liked it were him and his brother. He should be happy though, if it wasn't for us, nobody would have even seen that horrible video.

Wish then planes would have hit this building.

So da fat one is simulating jacking off Opie while da utta guy is simulating fucking the corspe of what is left of the O&A show?

it made me angry for some reason. like a disappointed kind of anger at mistakes.

Anyone else think they are ripping off this but with 1% of the talent?

Remember this was made when they were highly paid comedy writers on Letterman. It truly boggles the mind. And makes me think I could write for a late night show

This is some category 5 douche chills!

fork drops


The level of douchiness is compatible to a hurricane not a tornado silly.

finger of god!

he's referencing twister just so you know, it's an o&a staple and your follow up comment should have agreed with him instead of revealing yourself to be another SRD SJW infiltrator.

Someone actually thought "wow I need to hire this guy... and does he have any other relatives that are looking for a job?"

I've never wanted to see someone push a person out of window so bad in all my life.

If all of us knew that in 12 short months our favorite radio show would become this...

♪♪ " You kick the kyke in the coconuts, and make him throw up " ♪♪

Why is this guy on the radio? He has less talent than Scorch

Why are the comments disabled?

Too many compliments, they don't want the success going to their giant heads.

For the same reason Opie should disable his videos.

That's the bit!

I want to know who the silently giggling cameraman was.

Whenever these pop up I wanna see Jims reaction.

And this is what Opie thinks will bring "Radio Gold" to OpieRadio.

Who's the guy on the right? I always thought both Stangel brothers were you know...similarly rotund...

It's not a Stangel bro. He looks like Louis Theroux. Maybe he's doing a documentary on the root causes of antisemitism.

I'd love to see him stick his awful hands into a running snow blower.

Funniest part is that wig. Other than that, I wanted to scoop my eyes out with a melonballer for having seen that

To think they receive checks for being such unfunny twats

2 Likes. I wonder who that could be?

Ladies and Gentlemen this is the brilliant team who brought you such gems as "Charlie's Brown Teacher" and every other comedic bomb Man Tits Hughes says. Everything makes sense now.....Well everything except Jim Norton still being attached to this audible tampon.

Stengles have more YouTube hits than Brother Joe and Opie.


Comments disabled.

Someone should get the guy in the wig some help, he appears to be having a stroke.

It just keeps fucking going...

Why couldn't General Zod fly through that window and incinerate them in 1/3 of a second on camera?

In fairness to them, I don't think they publish their stuff thinking its a hit. They probably just like making the video and watching it with friends or family. Just corny middle America shit; what's not to love?

May God have mercy on us all


As jimmy would say: "This is enraging".

Comedic heavyweights