Attn: Fans As The Mayor of Comedy I am giving you the example of a bomb.

0  2015-07-28 by TankHankerous


"What are you talking about"

  • Stereotypical old jewish man voice

Still not a total bomb.

Here's what I know: Bocchetti and Kane was the last time that show was awesome. it blew up on twitter and fans phoning in. Tits pretty much replayed it for his own show and then something in his voice cracked and he realized ...oh oh.. wait.. oh that was way way better than I can do.

I dont think they ever replaced that last hour with Bochheti and Kane again did they? Or did they even do Friday last hour again? I suspect they were banned from Opies show like other people that do better than him.

As much as I want that to be the case...I have a feeling Twatto wanted money.

I wouldn't doubt it but I figure she wanted about 1/100th a Stangel Brother paycheck and would deliver about 100 times more great radio so I think Tits still fell to eliminating better radio people for his ego.

This is the same company that wouldn't give the great East Side Dave another $1,000 a year though.

As much as I want that to be the case...I have a feeling Twatto wanted money.