hEy ANTHonY - tAKe THis!

9  2015-07-28 by EskimoEscrow


Boats down there.

Fuckin beat me to it


I wonder if theres a bunch o catfish in that lake or sumpthin, fawkin give an underage one a macbook and tell it to suck your pecka

tHeReS lAvA uNdEr ThE bOaT!


I wanna see the boat movie.

tss yeah what's he gonna do get us all wet or sumpthin

Tss I get it he's harborin' underage girls.

What are those docks like doxxin people or somthin?

Edgar Chipperson

thE laWk is DRiyy


Kieth the cuck owns all those Doxx.

He will find you if you park your boat where you shouldn't, then his baby oil bitch, creamy faggot bitch boy, boss will expose your info online, most likely using your subscriber info.

So just unsub, then you can troll him all you want, then laugh as he moves into a rental in Newark.

Is this Seward, AK?

Looks a bit like Astoria Oregon.

Just googled the image, it IS Seward AK

This is so corny that its genius.


I'm on a boat

Wrong character.


Yeah, that's clearly Ted's Boat Emporium

Fuckin beat me to it
