Looks like Sam Roberts divorced Jess and went full gay.

0  2015-07-28 by Dannyprecise


So... You were searching for duvets and came across this, or you were googling Sam Roberts to find something to post here? Either way, that's not a good thing

I was actually googling barns for a wedding in CT and that rabbit hole brought us together.

He left that "10"?


Which one is Jess?

The frumpy one. Not the tall, somewhat handsome, older gentleman.

ol' joe derosa posture

She's cute but not a knockout like everyone on the show would make her out to be. Very non-traditionally attractive

She could pass for maybe a 7, but she's not this goddess like the two hacks made out to be. Better than Erock's broad at least.

Maybe a 7 on the Patrice 1-30 scale. "An alright looking ugly girl."

"Uma Thurman is a 10. She's either the prettiest ugly girl in the world or the ugliest pretty girl." Fuck I miss him.

I have yet to see what Mrs. Nagel looks like but if her husband is any indication I assume it can't be over a 5

Now I need to see E's girl.

She's a attractive girl that any straight guy would fuck...which means if you're a half black half sean michaels sassy entertainment tonight twink that collects wrestling action figures she's completely out of your league...which is what they were getting at.

They do this with every girl that they can't bash. I remember listening to the show and them saying Jess was a 10 all the time. Every time I actually see a girl they call a 10 after the fact I say whatttt.

Linendoll is better

you guys are crazy, she is the perfect wholesome looking girl, what do you want some porn star looking girl?

I hope that duvet is scotch-guarded.

Jess is now "towning around" with a real man of color, not a little boy with a John Cena shirt and an afro.

ol' joe derosa posture

Which one is Jess?

She's cute but not a knockout like everyone on the show would make her out to be. Very non-traditionally attractive

Linendoll is better

you guys are crazy, she is the perfect wholesome looking girl, what do you want some porn star looking girl?

They do this with every girl that they can't bash. I remember listening to the show and them saying Jess was a 10 all the time. Every time I actually see a girl they call a 10 after the fact I say whatttt.