I want to watch TACS but I am worried about what my black friends will say

0  2015-07-28 by [deleted]

black friends


Mostly likely they'll say "Who?". Talking to friends about Ant is like making a Jonestown joke. It won't get any reaction.

Please tell me a Jonestown joke. I am really interested. Like, when they made the Koolaid Do you think they took the time to read the directions? Do you think after the event some cashier said, "holy shit I sold those fuckers the Koolaid!" or recommended the flavor they liked best. Do you thinknthey experimented with other ingestion methods?

Don't worry we're too busy statistically mugging and raping white women to worry about such trivial honky shit. Statistically.

This might have been funny if you posted it about a year ago

Is it too late to make Cosby jokes though?

Please tell me a Jonestown joke. I am really interested. Like, when they made the Koolaid Do you think they took the time to read the directions? Do you think after the event some cashier said, "holy shit I sold those fuckers the Koolaid!" or recommended the flavor they liked best. Do you thinknthey experimented with other ingestion methods?