I see the worst in people. I've built my hatreds up over the years, little by little, Henry...

55  2015-07-28 by mr__hat


"Now, my dick goes acroooooss the room and starts to fuck your children. I... fuck... your... children... I fuck them up."

For There Will Be Blood Fans, this is the finest piece of production R&F's producers ever made: https://clyp.it/0tgu0rtz

just dubbing the "i drink your milkshake" monologue over white stripes?

wow, brilliant.....

Doxxing! Doxxing, Bobo, you boy. Doxxedd dry. I'm so sorry. Here, if you have a twitter, and I have a twitter, and I have a tweet. There it is, that's a tweet, you see? Watch it. Now, my tweet reaches acroooooooss the room and starts to find your address. I... doxx… your... twitter! I doxx it up!

Hmm, her calling him daddy makes this so much worse.

"I need you to admit that you're a false fan and that Opie is a superstition."

BTW, I couldn't believe that Anthony did get this when Ronnie B referenced it in regards to Anthony.

Do you mean he didn't get this?

Ronnie said he saw it ending for Anthony with Ant beating someone to death with a bowling pin in his house. Anthony didn't seem to get the reference. He just laughed and said "With a BOWLING PIN?".

ME: Listen... listen... listen... I paid him ten thousand dollars, cash in hand, just like that. He has his own network now. A prosperous little business. Three shows producing. Five hundred dollars a week.

Ha ha ha

Who would have thought Ant would have so much in common with an oil driller?

The more I hear about Ant the more he sounds just like someone I know that has worked in that field for 30 years. It's astonishing.

Fucking GREAT

"Daddy" hahaha Just fucking slimy and uncomfortable.

Great bit and greater film.

"I should have seen this coming. I should have known that under this, all these past years, you've been building your hate for me piece by piece. I don't even know who you are because you're not my radio partner. You're someone else's. This anger, your maliciousness, backwards dealings with me. You're a record spinner from a midnight program in the middle of a top 500 market, and I chose you for no other reason than I needed a big-breasted cohost to get into the industry. D'you get that? So now you know.

You're not my friend. You're just a little piece of competition. Record spinner from a midnight program. Record spinner from a midnight program! You're a record spinner from a midnight program!"

One night I'm going get real drunk and go to your Facebook, wherever you post, and dox your accounts.

What? What are you talking about? Have you gone crazy, Anthony?

Did you hear what I said?

I heard what you said. Why did you say it?

You don't tell me about the roast.

Why are you acting insane and threatening to dox my account?

You don't tell me about the roast.

I'm not telling you anything! I'm asking you to be reasonable. If I've offended you, I apologize.

You'll see what I can do.

ME: You owe the Church of the Third... Sammy! Sammy, what's the name of my church again? Oh right, yeah I knew that. You owe the Church of the Third Revelation $5,000, you DOPE!

I'm pretty sure picture 3 has me on a list somewhere now.

I have it on a list to rub my peckah to.

ew daddy, and even more ew is saying "punk rock"


I honestly hope that they see this one. They would have to laugh and concede that it's very well produced.

are dumb piercings the indicator for instability and immaturity in women? its not like i'd know...

this made me laugh, thank you
