Anthony Cumia blocked me for the following tweet:

0  2015-07-27 by NoremacMartin

"Why are you paying for personal info about some twitter troll? This is really embarassing. Why are you so thin skinned?"

FULL Story:

I was a fan of Anthony, but like most of you got fed up with him for a myriad of reasons. Anthony has done/said countless things that I disagree with but I found his decision to harass people online to be completely unacceptable.

I stopped following him on twitter a while ago, because his tweets were fucking unbearable. I don't need to read the same 40 tweets per day, everyday about black people.

When I've disagreed with Anthony in the past I was usually, if not always, able to understand and sometimes respect his opinion. I couldn't understand why Anthony would harass random people on twitter and seek their personal information. This was a side of Anthony I hadn't seen before and couldn't respect at all.

I tweeted him last night around 2 am simply asking, "Why are you paying for personal info about some twitter troll? This is really embarassing. Why are you so thin skinned?"

To any intellectual mind, these are rational questions that are worth answering. What is Anthony's intelligent response? Blocking me of course.

It's fucking hilarious that I accuse this man of being thin skinned based on factual information, and his response is that of a thin skinned 12 year old girl on myspace.

I'm not making this thread to draw attention towards myself, I would prefer not to be in the limelight. I'm making this thread, because I think you all should be aware of what kind of human being Anthony is.

A thin skinned faggot.

My twitter handle is @NoremacSsor if you'd like to confirm the authenticity of this story.

Side note: How awesome would it be if Gavin just fucking rails on Anthony tonight? I don't see how any red blooded man can do anything, but mock Anthony's actions and words as of late. He's a fucking worm. He's just as bad if not worse than the people who wanted him fired.

The people who wanted him fired simply wanted a public figure to lose his job, because they found his opinions distasteful. I don't think that's the appropriate response, but it is a sensible one. Anthony, a public figure, receiving hatred on social media doxxing trolls and offering money for their personal info is fucking despicable, and not sensible in anyway.

Please excuse my horrific use of commas.

TL;DR - Anthony is a thin skinned faggot who everyone should mock


TL;DR You're an attention seeking faggot.

I find it hilarious that a late 50's adult even uses twitter to begin with.

dude, I started reading the tweet and was SO worried that I wasnt gonna get the full story. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw you included it.


There's no way I'm reading all that, but Anthony is a thin skinned pussy ass faggot nonetheless.


Peckahs or gtfo.