Staying in the OnA world what is the instance your most suprised about seeing a comic sell out

0  2015-07-27 by Lilcumia

Jimmy - Furry Vengeance. Lost me with this one as anyone he ranted against had 'its not my audience' out.

Ant - Dick Spray - He must have known how ridiculous it looks advertising this on a video podcast to comedy fans.

Add on..


If you're going to shit on Jimmy for "Furry Vengeance" then you're calling Patrice a sell out too.

Yeah, of course. Was more suprised at Jim cause of all his ranting he did on the show but same goes for Patrice.

It was a chance for a little mainstream exposure. At least Patrice said it was shit.

I liked Patrice, but his whole mentality about selling out was rather interesting. He talked about his standards and this and that, yet when he did take parts, he took the absolute worst bottom of the barrel shit ever. He probably passed on some decent movies and tv shows to do Furry Vengeance and Shorties Watching Shorties.

I don't view Jimmy doing Furry Vengeance as "selling out." He's a comedian. And not a very good actor, he knows this. A role is a role. What was he supposed to do? Turn down the money AND a credit to maintain credibility with some jerkoff fans?

If you're going to talk about O&A comics being sellouts start with Louis CK doing a hipster GQ photoshoot, and basically his entire career since 2013. Or Bill Burr saying he doesn't like the word retard, or apologizing for his misogynistic material.

When did he apologize for misogyny? I hope that's not actually true

Louis CK. I simply don't recognize him now from how he acted on the show in 2008 and 2009. Fame went to his head and he started dressing and behaving like an above-it-all hipster "auteur" douche.

He's always been that. It's truly bizarre to me that people fail to see the emperor has no clothes.



More like autist

Jimmy is everything that he rants against

Jim for not leaving when Ant left.

Jim for agreeing to work with hack comedy writers/joke thieves.

It's becoming increasingly obviously that Jim made the correct choice both in exposure and quality of show. TACS had potential but it's garbage now.

he definitely made the right choice.

Patrice and Burr, when they were too scared to make fun of Howard's daughter's off broadway play.

This is not post opinions on social media pages is much bigger than Scorch. The real irony is Ant's show looks a lot of the Garrett love. If they thought about it so it's no insane to think after all his hatred for when the media do it.

~ Lilcumia

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I liked Patrice, but his whole mentality about selling out was rather interesting. He talked about his standards and this and that, yet when he did take parts, he took the absolute worst bottom of the barrel shit ever. He probably passed on some decent movies and tv shows to do Furry Vengeance and Shorties Watching Shorties.
