Something Positive this sub can talk about from now on

11  2015-07-27 by RahnBayngtin

"The Bonfire" (Well, that name does kinda suck) with Big Jay and Soder starting tomorrow. Mondays and Wednesdays.


Let's hope the show is as good as the name is bad, like Tuesdays with Stories.

yeah the name is weird i dont get it, they should just use "the big jay and soder show" big jay already has a radio type name.

so fucking pumped though, this might be the one show that actually can be better than OnA ever was, no stupid radio guy, just two comics that are good friends that have a ton of hilarious comic friends.

LJG for producer

Please keep that reekin away


Should have aired it on Saturdays and called it Soderjays with Soder and Jay.

Were "The Ice Cream Social" and "The Hayride" taken?

wow, what a bad name

Finally the show that should have never been canceled in the first place. I still have all the Soder Show with Special Guest Big Jay Oakerson episodes archived from last summer.

no... that name COMPLETELY sucks. Im sure itll be good, though.

"Something positive"? I thought you were gonna say Yim just got his HIV test results

They kind of explained the name since all their other choices were shot down. Either way it was a great first show.

The bonfire of the faggotries.


Big Jay




KenFrezno= huge faggot

I say what I honestly feel unlike faggot sheep like you

Because you can definitely read my mind and know that I don't actually like Dan Soder or Big Jay but just pretend to because other people do. Fucking pretentious ass. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a sheep, get a grip

Shut up, faggot.

i hate them both so no

Well aren't you a fuckin blast man

He's a fucking bummer

You know how they say if you meet one asshole you've met an asshole, but if you hate Big Jay Oakerson and Dan Soder you're the asshole?

After Attell, there probably aren't two less hateable dudes in stand-up.

fuck him and his stupid gloves

Well I hate light bulbs

Die in the dark then with shit soder and big gay oakerson with his dumb gloves.

Are you 14 years old? Fucking dipshit get rid of your extra chromosome and get some taste in comedy

My fav comics are Patrice, Louie, Attell, CQ, Jefferies

I can't be bothered to watch a fat guy wearing workout gloves 24/7 and a giggling high mexican babble. "LEGION OF SKANKS" So edgy maaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhn

How could you like attell and not like big jay?
