The one good, legitimately selfless thing Ant has done

0  2015-07-26 by bizzlbone

Promoting Legion of Skanks on his show. I'm gonna be honest, I knew Big Jay and had heard of Luis, but if it wasn't for Ant I would have absolutely never heard of LoS. I feel like Ant has actually really helped them expand their audience, and now more than three people search for Dave Smith's material. Good job Ant, you helped someone that wasn't a 14 year old girl in need of an iPad

edit: I'm not trying to say this exonerates Ant from being a scumbag, I'm just saying it was pretty cool of him to do this since he could have just not mentioned them at all or only mentioned them on TACS and not put the video on Youtube for non-subscribers to see. It's pretty obvious he liked them and wanted to give them some exposure. But you guys are right, everything Ant does is wrong so fuck him he's human garbage


How is it selfless? Any time TACS sucking is brought up theres someone there to say "But LoS and Gavin". Ant did it to sell more subs, which was a good move.

I mean it was kind of a cross promotion thing, but you can't deny LoS are way better off now than before. They're getting paid, and their audience has increased to include former O&A fans. I can't see them not being thankful for Ant mentioning them on his show.

Being behind a paywall and seeing as how O&A fans aren't necessarily TACS subscribers I'd say their audience and potential audience has decreased. Getting paid is better though, im sure.


dave account spotted

if they start posting about free markets and small government we'll know for sure


The way I heard about LOS was from one of Ant's free youtube videos. This was back before he revealed himself to be a complete piece of shit. But he was talking to Ronnie B about LOS and I had never heard of them so I looked them up, and saw that Ant as well as Dan Soder and other comics I liked on O&A and YKWD had been on the podcast. Then I became a full on listener. From what I've read on r/LegionOfSkanks this is true for a lot of people. So while Anthony still is a cunt, he truly did help spread the LOS virus

Ok that's fair. So it would also be fair to say it was mutually beneficial.

Yeah, I'm sure Ant's not complaining about the fact that 2/3 of the content on his website (the shit that people actually go there to watch nowadays) requires no effort on his part. But Gavin and LOS are definitely way better off now than they were putting out content for free to a handful of listeners

I thought you meant the fact that he hadn't had a kid.


You mean the guys he relies on to put actual content on his "network"?

I love LOS but, Dave has turned into the biggest brown nosed faggot. It is truly sicking.

Dave's a true capitalist, he's trying to make a living for himself. It's debatable whether he even has a place to live or not. Ant lets him crash at his place and pays him to put out a podcast that he used to do for free for like 3 years. If I were Dave I'd be pretty far up Ant's ass too

So Dave is a whore, you're saying? Like Dani?

So, if i pay him more and give him a new place to say he can white knight for me? What an American treasure.

Pretty much. I don't think you realize how much of a nobody Dave Smith is, he's finally getting some recognition after years of comedy. He's not trying to go back to being broke, why not ride the Ant train for a bit? Dave is doing what Patrice railed against for years but what kept him in relative obscurity

So whoring's OK for men to do, true capitalism really, but awful for women to do?

Who said that? I think prostitution should be legal. Voluntary transaction between two willing and consenting adults. What's so wrong with that

You seem to have respect for the men who do it (Dave) and disrespect for the women (Dani). You can think prostitution should be legal and still hate female prostitutes. That's pretty common actually.

I like Dave cuz he's a funny comic and a fellow libertarian. I hate Dani cuz she's a dumb ugly cunt with no value except the series of holes she offers to men who actually have some value. You seem to think the whoring is what I'm preoccupied about with these people, but it's not. I could give a shit what you do to make your money, more power to you. But if you're not bringing any of your own talent to the table, then I have no reason to respect you

Excellent point, interesting fun fact speaking of prostitution, there was a brothel in Auschwitz;

He's also one of dem jews

For me it's all Luis and Bobby Kelly. When I heard luis on YKWD, I thought this dude was an asshole. And Then I heard about LOS on there. First show I listened to and I was hooked.

I used to think Luis was so fucking annoying but now I love him and his real ass podcast

Not shooting that black hooker was nice of him, too.

Maybe, LOS was getting mentioned here a couple times a week before they started doing shows on Ant's channel / network thingy. That's how I found out about them. LOS was being suggested as an listening alternative soon after he was shitcanned from sirius.

Yeah I saw some posts about Sam being on the show and talking about the beef so I decided to give that episode a listen but I didn't really get hooked until the compound show with Ant

I think if ant came up with the cure for cancer 99% of the folk here would still criticise him.

I think they'd still call him a racist and think his show is boring but they'd appreciate the cure for cancer.

if they start posting about free markets and small government we'll know for sure