O&A AMA: I'm a fag.

1  2015-07-25 by arcadiajohnson

I started listening to Opie and Anthony since I was a kid in NY. We used to do the 'WOW' symbol on the school bus on class trips trying to see tits. They had plenty of bits that were popular on Napster as a teen. When Diamond Dave was kicked off, O&A were the best thing driving to school/college before they went satellite only. Once I graduated college, I got SiruisXM to listen to them on my way to work. I always thought the shows from 2010-2013 were better without Opie, but didn't hate him. He just didn't seem into it. Anthony & Jimmy had great shows without Opie, but I grew tired of Anthony's stories and rants. But the three of them together was the best stuff. I've listened to both since last July and thoroughly enjoy O&J better than TACS. But, I'm a fag so here's what I'm guilty of:

  • I think Anthony is petty. If he tried harder on working with the show than he did on bashing Opie or race rants, I'd feel more sympathetic towards him.
  • Opie steers the show. Most of the time it's not bad, but do you guys realize the more hate you give, the more it drives him to do the same shit? Any feedback is better than none at all. That said, sometimes Opie derails shit.
  • The Stangels suck, they should not be given a mic. But the new constant guests like Sherrod and Florentine are great to have. I like their chemistry on the show.
  • I hate Big Jay. He's got the personality of Anthony with the derailment of Opie. He needs to learn to pipe down. Also, Legion of Skanks is a stupid fucking name. Oh look, I'm soooooo offended. It's sooooo cool.
  • Dan Soder is great.
  • Race Wars is way better than anything Anthony is starting to offer. Rich & Bonnie are funny...in doses. Like, monthly doses.
  • Sam still sucks.
  • I prefer interviews with comedians/talent like Mike Tyson/DMC compared to having interns eat sheep balls or whatever.

There. I'm a fag. There's my confessions.


I hate Big Jay


There. I'm a fag.

Oh, ok.

Please, show me something funny by him. Just a link. I listened to one podcast of LoS and he turned me off by being loud and obnoxious over everyone else. Not that they were particularly great either. The show was bland with Big J piping in with overbearing comments. Where's a decent show for me to get a better feel for them? I don't want to blindly hate.

I always knew of Big Jay from even back to his days on ZRock, but i really started to like him after his Ron and Fez appearances. He started showing up on there about 3 maybe 4 years ago, and thats how i got into Big Jay. Ronnie B and Big Jay shooting the shit about anything is one of the greatest radio shows you will ever hear.




Tss tss why dontcha tell us how ya really feel

Ahhhh Chip

This thread is AIDS.

I really thought in your first bullet point that you said Anthony was pretty.


no0ooOoone cares!

do you guys realize the more hate you give, the more it drives him to do the same shit?

This is a valid point. Opie is a narcissist, therefore he will not change. If he feels someone hates something he will continue to do it. To him it's funny. He doesn't care about entertaining others. He cares about feeding his own narcissism, and will continue to deliver shitty content. It's hard to break the behavior and it starts with coddling and babying them. Ant was the best at it when it came to Opie, another reason they worked so well together.

It's also what an impetuous, uncorrected child does.

It's what all people do. People in his echelon don't really care about criticism when they either hear positivity or rancid shit. Not that being constructive would help, but there's too much positivity to what he's doing for your tit jokes to work.

... do you guys realize the more hate you give, the more it drives him to do the same shit? Any feedback is better than none at all.

I've gotten this sense too recently. I truly can't wait until Opie's strategy of "openly antagonize my fans" blows up in his face.

We're "steering the shit".

Wow, I could've written this because I agree with everything...except the fag thing.

Well if I didn't call myself a fag then I'd apparently be some account Opie bought off or something.

Why would you bring that up?



"pipe down"


Dan Soder is great



From my point of view Ro Ro is the key to all of this

If we can get Ro Ro working.....