what are you gonna eat some food or sumptin?

105  2015-07-25 by iam_colinwood


Tssssss sunrice is that rice from the sun or sumthin, I bet its hot,I hope ya burn ya fawkin mouth off ya cawk sucka

Hot sun? what are you like rob kardashian or sumthin TSS TSSTSS TSS TSSTSTSTSTSTSTTSTSTSTAGiypfeqhf4pqgfp93hg4pwqphpqwgphaidshsdihsdhds983489348943893489438934894389438943893489438934894389348943894389438934894398439843894389349843896666666666666666666667322323onaisdeadaskjsajksajksajksajksajksajksajksajkjasksjakjkasjaskjaskasjkashahasteveusdeadjsdjjskddskjdskjdskjkjdskjdskjdskjdskjsdkjdskjdskjkjdsfrunkis.

Congrats. As of 856 Central Time, you have 41 points with 100percent upvoted. First time I have ever seen so many points with not 1 downvote.

Now some dick is going to downvote it.

56 sukk it cawksucka


wats outrice? howabowt inkrispies?

That's the first I would've thought if I had seen that shit

Nice placement of the price tag so I have NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT THE T STANDS FOR!!!

(Tofu, I'm assuming, but still)

Tsss... chicken... what it is afraid or sumpthin?

"Homerun, Sunrise Vegan! You fawkin peace off garbaage"

No Chip

Tsss why not su-he or sumptin? Tsss what are their a bunch of Jew lawyers in there or sumptin? Tsss

what homo store were you shopping in that sold that?

Probably in San Fran.

Close. Seattle

Eddie Vedder swears by it, good looking out Chip.

Ugh. I feel for you. At least you have weed though