Opie's Dreams are Comin' True!

17  2015-07-25 by CookieHaid


what a fucking scumbag, what so when the channel had Ron and Fez, DMSP, Weird Science, Black Phillip etc. it wasn't what he fucking wanted? Oh yeah well now its named after him so his narcissism is filled.cunt.

Yes, who wouldn't want to reach a point where an International radio platform named a channel after you....

You are fucking unamerican my friend.

Yes, through lies, deceit, and off the backs of others. Actually, that's pretty American too.

What lie?

What deceit?

And yes you have to work with others. I helped make Opie rich because I subscribed. When was I lied to or deceived?

The channel was already named after him. It was the OPIE and Anthony channel.

Yes and Anthony did some stupid shit to get himself fired? Why is Opie required to fall on his sword?

Now fans of Anthony who claim that he carried Opie on his back and was so talented and was the real humor on the show get what they wanted...Anthony without Opie.

As far as Norton, Sam, the other comics, etc. None of that is Opie's doing. They could all go to Ant if they want.

Is Opie at least mildly retarded? Maybe not intellectually handicapped but there's something screwy going on in his head.

fuckinnn YUCK. He's horrendous at being likeable.

Opie gets paid 7 figures to mail it in 3 hours a day, 4 days a week. He sure is living his dream. He always used to say he wished he could have Howard'e schedule when Howard used to work 16 hour weeks. Opie has outdone him.

Opie just needs to get paid ten times as much as he is now to outdo Stern.

He'd have to get paid about 30 times more than he does now to outdo Stern in terms of money.

True, but he's still an Opie.

I thought.it was phone it in

everything about this man makes me cringe. The boob job dunce and the pock faced dropout should thank Jim Norton everyday for making their career. Unlikable fucks.

I'd really like if Opie would come clean about his change of heart re: management. 'Cause this is some real craven bullshit considering the other programs he had 10 years ago that /u/johnnyroberts mentioned that Opie is now implying weren't what he wanted back then.

Even if it's just as simple as the swiftness of Anthony's firing scared him. After all, Opie will be in his seventies by the time his daughter enters college, so I wouldn't necessarily begrudge him a job on those grounds.

I can really see, if Jimmy either isn't renewed next October, or if he leaves then on his own, Opie hires a staff of 6 or 7 20-30 year olds to do radio around him while he sits in the center being told how funny he is. He'll never inherit Howard's spot, since Howard's hardcore fans hate Opie and I would hope that even Opie has pride enough that he wouldn't take Howard's $100m job for the $2-3m they'd probably give Opie. But, he might just get Imus's spot. I think either way, because of his kids, he be doing radio as long as he can sit in a chair and semi-coherently speak into a microphone.

Basically all of the real talent moved on, died, or got fired and 86'd from Sirius. Now he's the star he always wanted to be, it's so apparent now that he has and always will be an attention seeking, fame craving tool that will do anything for a buck. Yay podcasts... who gives a fuck about podcasts, seriously only a few of them are worth listening to and even then they are not consistently funny and entertaining. But you're right, he has a bunch of young comics that will bend over for him, and a few that have always licked his ass (Vos) so now he can feel like the boss.

Yeah, I imagine he's just as powerless now as he was then. It must be that they took away many of his reasons for complaining when they used Ant's salary to pay a few more guys a pittance for a few weekly shows and remodeled the studio.

You mentioning guys who've been "fired and 86'd from Sirius" made me remember the whole DMSPXL debacle. Ugh, Opie at his absolute worst.

Yeah well East Side Dave is a man of class and honor, he doesn't need Sirius or tits to succeed.

Even if it's just as simple as the swiftness of Anthony's firing scared him. After all, Opie will be in his seventies by the time his daughter enters college, so I wouldn't necessarily begrudge him a job on those grounds.

The "spirit" of the show was brutal jokes and transparent honesty, but everyone but Opie was translucent at best, and Gregg "Opaque" Hughes was never really anything "real".

He wants to be Howard, and be treated like Howard, but people respect Stern, and Stern has kind of a Roman Emperor kiss the ring air about him, that he earned by innovating and smart business decisions, that Opie desperately tries to emulate and it's really depressing because what has Opie ever offered?

He wants A-Listers to come in and kiss the rings of Spudds Buckley Give Yourself A Bell Fingerpoppin Tuesdays on the only station that really rocks.

Don't we hate Howard. That guy does way less radio than Opie ever does. And have you seen America's Got Talent. So who cares about money? How about some fuckin' dignity?

i think jimmy is worse than opie in this, hes still playing the moral high ground integrity persona and actively going after ppl

and didnt opie already tweeted that he would do howards show anytime?

It's probably going to be a girl podcast.


2015-07-25 15:43:34 UTC

Thank you. It's what I wanted to do 10 yrs ago. Finally, they're letting me do it. Gonna grab one more podcast soon twitter.com

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is the new podcast tell em steve dave? i stopped listening when they wouldnt stfu about meeting opie and how great he is and how hes trying to get them sxm deal

I don't think you ever actually listened to TESD, because that's not how that went down at all.

It's definitely not TESD, and Walt would never go to Sirius...

why not tho? i have listened to like 20 ep and still cant tell whos who, and this one ep from like months ago one dude keep talking about meeting opie and getting tesd on sxm and one guy was very quiet, so i dont really know

Bryan Johnson talked very nicely about Opie, and said that Opie would like to have them back. He did seem interested in going back at the time; but this was during two or three podcasts at the most.

Brian Quinn did not say much about it all, and it my opinion seemed like he just wanted to move on to talking about something else. Walt Flanagan refused to drive from New Jersey to New York just to do the show, and sees no reason to try to put the podcast on the radio or try to promote it like that.

I just don't see it happening at all. But don't get me wrong, TESD and Legion of Skanks are the only two podcasts I listen to.

im looking forward to this cunts downfall as much as i was Ants.

It might take awhile but the cunt will get his.

Opie probably didn't know what a podcast was 5 years ago.

Anthony never shut the fuck up about wanting to do one before the Compound thing took off. He probably watched a documentary on it.

I remember when the show was good enough to justify a repeat listening.

Opie's always been the ugly measuring stick that acquaintances use to make themselves feel better than they are. Anth's well on his way to becoming that, some would say he already is, but I see why these shows want to build names and make money off an established brand.