Looking for a link to Ant talking about freebasing.

0  2015-07-25 by axeheadroad

Ive heard him say how its not as bad as smoking rock, but I cant remember hearing the one people talk about where Sal calls in and puts a stop to the dragging the cumia name through the mud.

If anyone cares about reddit gold, ill buy it for the link.


I don't think the Sal call was actually on air, I think he just heard it and called Anthony privately and told him to knock it off.

I did find the clip of Ant talking about doing it with Sal though (excuse the 7 seconds of silence at the start, I did it really quick) - http://youtu.be/lGSDzEtSWNg

I promise i will give you reddit gold. Im on mobile right now.

Who the fuck does coke with their mom!! Jesus Christ. What a fucked up family.

Thanks guy

Only the fanciest of fancy pants families can afford cocaine for the whole bunch. The Cumia family does not allow their children to go without the finest of narcotics.



i never believed this story, i feel like he would always act like he did these crazy drugs whenever a rogan, stanhope would come in to be cool.

the way he talks about freebase is the way someone who's never done acid says "yeahhh dewd i saw a unicorn melting into the pavement"