What was up with Fez vs. Opie?

0  2015-07-25 by smokinswindler

I became a regular listener in January '14. Listening to archives im trying to figure out the Opie v. Fez thing. Was it a bit or was Fez pulling a long con on Gregg to make him sound like a hypocrite? Only listened to a few clips and dont have the whole picture.


Opie was jealous of Ron and Fez's relationship. Even with all of Fez's screw ups/meltdowns Ron still loved him. Its the relationship Op wanted with Ant.

Fez was the only one who stood up to Opie about not caring that Anthony wasn't on the show anymore, and Opie tried to retaliate.

Here's my question: I only listened sporadically but enough to experience Fez. In the last several years, was Fez's behavior and all that a long running bit or was he really that unstable and a giant asshole?

Todd Hillier is the Andy Kaufman of the new millennium.

If so, Bra god damn Vo

If he was acting, it was the best damn acting I have ever seen. It would put every single "best actor" academy award winner to shame.

I found this on youtube because this was one of the most insane things I heard at the time and I thought, no fucking way this guy is acting, and if he is, WOW:


It's the show where he got drunk and went on an absolute tirade. He sounds completely drunk and nuts


It kind of goes all the way back to the first heart attack in 2005. I think Fez was blaming Opie for it. Ron tried to play it off as a bit at the time but I think that's where it started.

Fezzie was very paranoid, and ANYTHING set him off. The problem with Opie was that he was never quick to apologize. Fez took that way too personal.