Oh shit!!! They've got a list!

129  2015-07-25 by AnudderCast


Lmao this reddit is my main source of entertainment, who needs a radio show or podcast



🎵Makin' a list,

Checkin' it twice

Holy shit,

He's still doing Dice?

Cumias are coming to town 🎵

You know you've become a bit delusional when you watch Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back and go, "That's a great idea!" without sarcasm

You know you've become completely delusional when you follow through with that idea, offering money for information on a troll so you and your brother (who is also in his late 50s) can beat him up...or get him in trouble?...I don't know, whatever distracts you from the pain of losing your fans, fame, money, sanity, etc

He literally only has to two do things to get his fans back: stop being racist all the time and quit being the epitome of walking on eggshells.

Love it, but really feel like you need Joe's face on the fat body

I know, but I couldn't find a pic of Joe that worked in that angle.


I think if the Cumia Brothers did this they couldn't resist delivering terrible one line liners as they beat them up.

"Punching out... more like punching you!"

"Haha, you tell him Anthony".

Fuck fuck fuck, motha motha fuck motha motha fuck fuck, motha fuck motha fuck

Noische noische noische

1,2 1,2,3,4 noische noische noische

Doxxing fans, doxxing fans

Fucking teens, drinking beers. Drinking beers beers beers

Sitting in hottubs with some cunts

who smokes the blunts?

We smoke the blunts?

We smoke the blunts and smokin em

"Uh. Let me get a subscription to your show."

$6.95 little man

put that shit in my hand

if that money doesn’t show

then you owe me owe me owe

I can't believe Ant referenced that. Truly pathetic

Silent Anthony looking like a Persian rug merchant.


I can't stop fucking laughing at this. Thank you, sir!


What world do you live in to think Joe would ever be able to stay silent?



2015-07-25 12:23 UTC

Oh? And you're acting...."blocked". NewsFlash: Zero tolerance for online aggravation. No time or patience. https://twitter.com/obsoletetruth/status/624904566291738625

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Goddammit you guys are fucking funny sometimes.

thanks dick, i just wasted 15 minutes trying to find the best 7 minute stoya video

They're all the best. That pale, tiny tittied angel takes a mean dick. 2 thumbs up.




2015-07-25 12:28 UTC

@JosephCumia Oh? I'm blocked by Joseph Cumia? How will I go on without your incredibly interesting tweets and opinions? You live off another

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