Anthony is really getting into doxxing.

72  2015-07-24 by GumbleDog


Should be noted the $2000 is in "cumia bucks" only to be used for merchandise on Can not be used for subscription cost


Oh gullible /u/juicypecka!


LOL thanks for clearing that up, /u/SS_Nigger

Once again, this subreddit is a never ending source for outrageously funny usernames.

That's Hulk Hogan's account

Rsplatpc killing it for us today. He's gonna be at Jimmy's Joke Hut in Poughkeepsie.

The $2000 cumia bucks can be used for 1 chaperoned (by Keith) 15 minute trip to the Compound & includes a picture with the dinosaur. But in order to gaze upon the pool you'll need to pony up another $1000 or 5 additional troll doxx

how much for a pic with one of his methed out ugly broads?

That's it right there. Great line.

The Cumia Brothers placing a bounty on a fat rainbow haired Reddit toadperson is the funniest shit in the world. I can't even tell if everyone is just fucking around. Some guy on Joe's Twitter said he's "checking gov't databases". How does anyone take any of these people seriously at this point? This is a comedy.

It really hurts finding out that the guy you looked up to for so long and admired is a fucking white trash retard.

The fact you ever looked up to him indicates you need to apply a shotgun to your forehead

The man has been despicable since the late 70's

I was 16, and Ant seemed like one of the only people who said things like they really were, he wasn't afraid to joke about the retarded, race or any other politically incorrect subject.

Reddit is your daddy now.

You're weird.


I was 16, and Ant seemed like one of the only people who said things like they really were

Sad part is you actually believed it, 16 or 36, that's still pathetic.

The fact you didn't know ant has always been white trash indicates you're not a true fan

Wow, fat joker has the Cumias completly ass blasted. I feel humiliated for Ant. Successful trolling.

You wanna know how I got this fat?

Why so hungry!?

How many friends of yours have I eaten?

You've eaten six of my friends.

Whatever doesn't fill you, makes you...fatter.


Brother Joe is willing to give up his entire life savings to find a troll?

That guy must have said some really harsh stuff.

I heard that Mother Cumia had a case of the pudding brain ...

Your average pack of pudding has more cognitive activity going on.

Doxx me, bitch!

I wish they put health warnings on crack rock baggies back then, it was a different time, we didnt know.


What a Goddamn embarrassment Anthony has become.

Become? He was always embarrassing it's just he was fun to so people thought it was a joke, now we realize he's just a douche with money.

Can't believe I used to like Ant and defend him. He and Joe are going down the drain fast with the doxxing stuff. He also should of laughed off his roast performance rather than take it so seriously.

Or just not bother with the doxxing. Not only does it show he really does care, it shows he's losing his mind. Perspective, Ant!

Based on this past week or two I have no intention of resubbing. I'm increasingly embarrassed that I subbed in the first place. What an asshole. Pretty disappointing.

Meanwhile in Manhattan... Opie sits on his couch... looks at his smoking hot wife and 2 adorable kids...takes a peek at his bank account and quietly says "NICCEEE"

It's hard to admire opie but in this case, yep.

I actually don't even hate or dislike Opie. He's just unfunny, which, I don't have to listen to his show so I don't.

Not too long ago, Opie's 7 million dollar apartment really annoyed me. Now it makes me happy - partially because Opie seems like a wonderful, lovable person compared to Anthony these days. But mostly because it annoys that pile of shit. "I didn't have to see it. I built it."

How's O&J been? I haven't been listening because it sucks.

I can honestly say that if anything... it's better than TACS.

looking at his smoking hot tits

Cries because nobody ever liked him

Sittin' on the doxx of the bay

Reported him from 15 different IPs already.. can't wait to see him cry about losing his Twitter account.

Please God, let this happen.


I'm going to send him stories of black on white crime and then report him for racism if he responds

Good lord, the irony of this is saddening.

Yeah bounty for doxx is a no no and clear violation of the tos. Verified or not.

why would you do that. don't you want to see just how far he'll go? This is the first time his twitter has ever entertained me.


I hope Ant dies.

His punishment must be more severe.

Once TACS is in ashes ... then he has my permission to die ...

Now is not the time for a Dice impression. That comes later!

Oh, you think white trash is your ally? You merely adopted the trash... I was born in it.

what's your plan?

To crash this show...WITH NO SUBSCRIBERS!

Identify yourself to the world ...

Doctor Chip Chipperson ... stand up comedian ...

And what is this? ...

It's a fully primed roast bombing, with a blast radius of all of long island

And who is capable of delivering such an unfunny display?

Only me.

Only you ...

The stupid hacky reference Reddit deserves.

I'm kinda rooting for Joe Cumia to perish in a fire

I know it looks like he's overreacting, but it was a particularly vicious anonymous attack:

Whoa. Ant looks like Moe.

Remember how many people here used to say how smart Anthony is and "he don't need no book smarts, he's got street smarts and he reads stuff on the internet!"

Well, here you go folks. Enjoy.

He's also so incredibly funny and quick, he would make a great stand-up comic! He's a comedic genius!

The Worm has said on many occasions that he is brilliant.


Hahaha the real life "jocktobering" of O&A continues. These old cunts have dug their own grave. You can't provide hours of entertainment fucking with people, then be appalled when it happens to you.

also, how many times has Ant encouraged people making Bam jokes at Opie, or calling him Tits, or all the other stuff? Then someone makes one crack at Ant for his roast bombing, and he turns into the biggest sissy crybaby faggot I've ever seen.

also, how many times has Ant encouraged people making Bam jokes at Opie


all the time

No, sorry.

why are you sorry?! No need to be sorry. I'm just trying to tell you something.

If he goes on his show and mentions that he reads all the awful things about Opie on reddit, then laughs about it, and playfully goes "oh you guys are awful!", then does an AMA where he reads a tits question about Opie and then laughs about it, or even him bringing up the Greggshells thing on the "human garbage" episode, then that's him encouraging it. Then someone says he bombed some jokes, WE DONT KNOW WHAT WERE TALKING ABOUT!!!


He seemed to be able to take it better back in the O&A days. I wonder what changed.

I don't remember joe ever being involved in jocktober.

Or providing entertainment

You're right. He was just an innocent bystander who happens to be a dipshit. Just like fat Terry Clifford.

Guilty by association. Am i right, gang??

What a pair of fucking born losers. You will pay $2000 for some troll's address so your fucking 60-year-old brother can go to his house and threaten him with bodily harm? WTF world are they living in? They are near senior citizenship, for god's sake. I hope they shoot each other in a tragicomic breaking and entering misunderstanding. Hopefully, Ant will use the ridiculous .50 caliber so as to take Joe's head completely off. There has never been a family this loathsome.

It's embarrassing.

I saw the tweets by Joe and Ant. I thought they were joking, but apparently neither has learned a thing. smh

Offering a cash bounty for someone's personal info seems like a pretty good way to get your Twitter account shut down. Doxxing is pretty much a third rail for social media companies. Would be hilarious, and actually kind of poetic, if he sobers up to discover Twitter has also shown him the door.

Would be a real shame if both of their tweets were reported to Twitter for rampant fuckery.

Well if he does he can start his own social network site in his basement.

⬆That is funny.



not a cop or lawyer, but ain't this illegal?

Everything is illegal in New York. The only question is whether you're arrested/prosecuted. If the right person decides s/he doesn't like Anthony—for partisan political reasons, say—then he's committed at least a couple felonies, good ol' "terroristic threats" among them. And asking other people to join you in even the mildest misdemeanor threat is a felony. AND THAT'S NOT ALL!

But nothing's going to come of it.

But—he doesn't know who's watching, so he should STFU.

The only time I've ever "talked" to Anthony was here about another crime he was openly committing, and he actually stopped doing it (openly). But he doesn't seem too sane right now, so.

What must they think of this sub? They must want us bad.

Hey Joe, you're a faggot just like your brother. What are you going to do about it?

Hey Joe, you're a faggot just like your brother. What are you going to do about it?

You're gonna shit a brick when SAMCRO pulls up into your driveway.



Brother Joe must be pissed. That's like 2 weeks allowance.

Once he obtains the information, Joe can show up in his Sons of Anarchy Halloween costume he laughably calls a wardrobe and suck the guy's BIG JUICY PEKKA.

Just so you know, Pekka is a man's name in Finland


You would be adding years to Ant's ability to actually put on a show. Which might get better if he just fucking calmed down and was entertaining instead of Fezzing all over the place.

Putting a bounty on a troll's head on public social media? These morons have gone full retard. Anthony really is a snake that bites itself.

wasn't Ant mad at some celebrities who were posting Zimmerman's address online, which was "encouraging" people to go to his house? Isn't posting someone's full name, address, work place the same thing? And this isn't even as intense as the Zimmerman thing, this is because someone said he bombed a couple jokes!

Yep, Spike Lee published an address that turned out to be someone not affiliated with the Zimmerman family and put their lives in danger. He ended up having to pay an undisclosed amount of settlement money. Anthony and his retarded brother's fans are stupid enough to actually hunt this guy down and do him harm and Anthony and Joe will be accessories to a Federal crime. I won't be surprised if they're sued and/or arrested and Anthony loses his precious concealed gun permit.

The most asinine/hilarious part of this is that Ant's lemmings are trying sooo hard to tell him that it's the troll account of some fat fuck he and Joe argued with on Facebook -- which only has 5 friends, one of which is said fat fuck, mind you -- and this is his response:

-NOT HIM!!!! Holy piss!!!! Great detective work. Looking for ROBERT DELANDING! Not that fat cunt friend of his!!!!

What a complete fucking boob. This is "you dun goofed" levels of not understanding the internet. Next he'll threaten to use his contacts in the Cyber Police to backtrace it.

that looks like fat joker made a second page to harass joe on. I stand with the fat joker.


I heard this all started when the guy told Joe that 2U stinks.

Ant is losing it

edit: isn't this the same guy who brings strangers to his house? admittedly said 9 times out of 10 he doesn't even know who's in his own house.. a fan just stopped by one day, knocked on the door, and Ant let him in for a beer..

for a guy who's obsessively scared over home invasions, he's not very bright

He's not obsessively scared of home invasions. He's obsessively scared of black people.

To supposedly be so goddamned smart, "Professor Anthony" sure is an across-the-board dumbass.

Ant's "know-it-all" attitude really was annoying

The Super Cumia Bros. have found their Bowser.

I hope Fat Joker kidnaps Dani and holds her in his basement.

LMAO, that fat tub of shit is really getting to them,


God he's an unpleasant human being.


$2000? Why would Ant put up a years salary as a reward? This doesn't make any sense ...

Perhaps more than that!

The Cumia brothers are going to beat up that morbidly obese, BBW tranny loving faggot live on TACS. I don't know whether to be depressed for everyone involved, humored or mortified.

I think I'll save my reaction to the eventual 'WHO SAYS I WAS HARASSING PEOPLE' TACS episode. It's pretty much the next thing that's going to come up.

What a couple of sad old bastards.

Wow, Ant is a baby

Wasn't Ant just saying how easy it is to find someone's personal information just from their username?
But now he needs help and is willing to pay righteous bucks for the info.

Anthony should just delete his twitter, same goes for joe

Anthony should just delete his life, same goes for joe

This fella better say his prayers, cuz when you got Joe Cumia on your ass, you're as good as dead.

What was the threat this guy made anyway? That he was going to unsubscribe?

Dude was stalking Joe through facebook, threatening to call child services on him and get him fired from his bar gigs. Basically just more 50-year-old man social-media drama

Ant...not sure if you read this, but that is embarrassing and cringy as fuck.


Stop being a faggot Anthony.

Brother Joe doesn't have 1G

Thats hillarious

This is really pathetic. Is stuff like this even legal?

It goes against Twitter's TOS for sure. Illegal? It's a grey area as cyberlaw is way behind the times. Cops frequently don't act on even serious physical threats.

If you wanted to make a case for it, it's technically harassment because the goal of this is to hide a possible crime. He's paying money for personal information to silence someone who has possible evidence...that's not going to be looked upon favorably.

Ant should just cut out all of this shit. Nobody is winning here.

He really doesn't know how. I've never seen someone so straight-up self-destructive. It's like a compulsion for him. Since he is a hideous human being, it's kinda fun to watch.

Oh it's entertaining as hell. It's finally something from his show that isn't bitching about race relations. Sadly, he's basically turned into his own version of Lady Di just with a bigger stage to make an ass out of himself.

Yeah man watching other people go down is funny, am I right?

I take such pleasure in it, as you do.

Wtf do u expect from a man in his 50's using Twitter like a teenager. Im tired of "celebrities" bitching and moaning about Twitter and being harassed. Its the internet stupid this shit has been around for years, comes with the territory. Oh and your on it by choice shitdick.

Ant and Joe end up looking like bigger faggots than the guy stalking, harassing and threatening to ruin their reputations.

But one thing I will say is at least the threats against Joe look more real than the ones received by Internet feminists. They are handling it very poorly, however.


wondering the same thing, this cant be real


Wow, AntH's throwing in a whole $1k too? tss tss Deep fawkin pockets Cumia.

Everyone should report these tweets on twitter. Get his account suspended or shut down. Report for targeted harassment under abusive content. Anthony and Joe shouldn't be allowed to target people because Joe creeped on a 17 year old girl.

How long before Anthony is back knocking tin?

He'll eat a bullet before then. His self-worth is all money and whiteness. Lose one or both, he's dead.

Hmm, how can we make that happen? Let's think like Randolph and Mortimer Duke.

DNA test? There's plenty of Northern and sub-Saharan African in his fetid genome.

Yeah great point man, Northern and sub-Saharan African,

Caucasian Jew confesses the knowledge that the ORIGINAL JEWS are black! Mar 19, 2014

Whiteness is important. You can't be white and semitic at the same time. Jews are white though...

Anthony is continuing his clinic on How to lose touch with reality and destroy your career via Twitter.

Well, this has finally done it, Ant is officially crazy. I mean just forget the hundreds of other times it's been the last straw, all the instances that have once and for all proven he's nuts, and the many final clear examples that he's gone off the deep end. THIS is the real thing that should expose Ant as a lunatic and finish him for good...Until the next time. By the way, this place use to have funny jokes when people were being insulting, don't know what happened, but the obvious conclusion is that people bitchy about Ant are clearly less funny. Anyways, carry on.

What? This thread hilarious.

Why don't you contribute something funny, instead of bitching about people bitching.


2015-07-25 00:29 UTC

-Haha, who gives a shit? Why not doxx an asshole fucking harassing you? There are rules here? Fuck off shit dick.

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Ant lost it. His network is good with LoS. I agree with his politics too but hes stuck in life and his bitterness is at the point it isnt funny anymore just sad. Now hes looking real butthurt lately. They all handled his firing by pissing down their legs in their own ways and they continue to do it. I keep checking the sub reddits just to watch the slow boring trainwreck.

Just leave it alone. #BroCum

I don't know who the person is. They are a listener of my podcast, I believe. I don't know them personally. I don't interact with every single listener. I also don't take any responsibility for any person's actions other than my own.

Brother Joe has promised he is calling in to my podcast tomorrow night. We'll see what happens

Ask him if he'll take a DNA test to prove that he and his mongrel family are white. Because they aren't. Should be entertaining.

Yeah he's not white, great point he's just a 'mongrel as you point out. Be careful though bro this racial profiling is what Hitler used to separate the lovely jewish people out. It's a slippery slope guy is all I'm sayin,

Jews are white though, right?

ah boy

man these guys are crybaby as fuck now

Is it any news that Anthony is entitled trash? He expects people to support him even when he is wrong. He cries about criticism. He always did.

People be acting like Opie, Anthony, and Jim were once good people who went down the wrong path when the show ended. They were always horrible people. Making jokes did not make them nice or friendly. They were petty entitled dicks from the Jimmy period on. They were funny though. We all laughed at their antics before cringing at Sam's sorry attempts to get in on the fun.

The entire thing started over this facebook post:

That's what triggered Joe's meltdown, there's a fuck ton of posts and replies to read. It's a huge drama fest.



2015-07-24 21:23:01 UTC

-This guy is a winner ain't he! Threats? I'll up it a grand myself Joe. 2g's for substantial info on this fuckhead.

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]

I mean look at the guys friends, doesn't his life sick enough?

I'm curious if these are all fake accounts that the Cumias set up, so they could then pretend to be doxxing people, so they look like a pair of tough guys.

Why would they do that? Seems like it's doing nothing but hurting them.



Maybe its because I am younger and grew up with the internet, but trolls honestly just don't bother me. Anyone else not give a shit what people say on the internet? Even on facebook news stories people are assholes using their real names and will trash your profile pics, but I don't care. Never really want to beat people up over internet comments. Maybe old people just can't handle internet life? I have a zero fight-or-flight, anger reaction to shit talking.

He's also a very ugly man

best thing about Ant I realize was his speed. The swiftness he would come with a great joke is what I respected all this time, not necessarily his opinions.

I just replied to that tweet with the Edgar doxxing pic hope he doesn't block me over it I thought that was legitimately funny without being a fawwwhhkkkinnn hattteeerrr maannn we'll see. Kudos to who made that too btw...and yes I'll go climb a ladder and fall off of it for wasting your time reading that.

it was DoubleGuns

fawwkk yeahh it wass dvv dvv dvv

tssss fawkin homerun!

Booze a racism

It's no secret that Ant checks this sub even if he doesn't post anymore and I wonder if the old man is intentionally doing stuff to piss you people off now that he has a newer audience from the political realm. I'm sure the hatred has to be mutual by now.


if he's going to all this trouble just to piss people off, then that's even more sad.

also, how many times has Ant encouraged people making Bam jokes at Opie



He seemed to be able to take it better back in the O&A days. I wonder what changed.

not a cop or lawyer, but ain't this illegal?

Ant's "know-it-all" attitude really was annoying

Whoa. Ant looks like Moe.

You've eaten six of my friends.

You would be adding years to Ant's ability to actually put on a show. Which might get better if he just fucking calmed down and was entertaining instead of Fezzing all over the place.

Hey Joe, you're a faggot just like your brother. What are you going to do about it?

You're gonna shit a brick when SAMCRO pulls up into your driveway.

He's also a very ugly man