Wyatt Cenak is the biggest pussy on earth

37  2015-07-24 by maynardsabeast

If you wanna hear the most insufferable, pussified, baby boy, CUNT you have ever heard, listen to this dude on Maron. Holy fuck, he was too pc for Jon Stewart to deal with. You can hear Maron biting his lip the entire interview. The thinnest skinned, unfunniest, PUSSY comic I've ever listened to. Wahhhhh my mommy loved me too much, WAHHH Jon Stewart yelled at me. Holy fuck


You must be referring to this:

Eventually, the show had to go on, and Cenac remembers going outside to a baseball field and having a breakdown. "I was shaking, and I just sat there by myself on the bleachers and fucking cried. And it’s a sad thing. That’s how I feel. That’s how I feel in this job. I feel alone," he said.

You can ACT like a MAN!!!

I'm fucking sick of people having "breakdowns". what the fuck is that? and yeah i read that shit about wyatt and he is easily the biggest faggot to ever walk the earth.

Flakey twats use the term to deflect any personal-responsibility for their "feelings," as if their emotions are so all-consuming that they're totally outside their control. John McCain was in a Vietnamese POW camp for 5 years, and this queen had a "breakdown" because his boss yelled at him. My heart, it doesn't bleed.

Have you ever represented so many black people that you broke down and cried because your boss got mad at you?

It's a burden the white man can never understand

Guy has an amazing job and he's shaking and crying on bleachers? Fuck off.


Cena is in the Wyatt family now?


Bray-fucking-vo FTFY

What kind of fruit is looking for a father figure from his boss. Such a creep.

Yeah, you're totally right about Cenak being a complete bitch, but it's funny to hear this story about Stewart. Imagine if that idiot Trump did this, it would lead his show. It's always great to see someone fall victim to the perpetually outraged, word-policing culture they helped advance.

They will eat themselves. Such is the path of the zealot. No one is ever pure enough.

Eric Hoffer?

Him and Orielly were going at it, John arguing white privilege in this country. Happy to see come full circle and bite Stewart's ass..

Wyatt is a sissy.


...he was not present when the Cain segment was produced, but watched it as it aired and thought it came from “a naive, ignorant place” rather than one of maliciousness.

They're jokes asshole. Never even heard of this guy before, but I can understand why Stewart got pissed. That's the kind of 'too political for its own good' thinking the Daily Show makes fun of. This guy stinks.

Stewart does silly hack impressions of every race and type of people, the guy cries like a bitch cuz he did a black guy? Why can't we just celebrate our differences and embrace SILLY stereotypes instead of demonizing them? Oh cuz I'm white that's why

No idea who Wyatt Cenac is. Is he supposed to be a famous comedian?

He's not a famous comedian. He is a comedian.

He's never said anything funny and I was actually a fan of Daily Show back then. I think he's one of the main reasons I quit watching, now that I think about it.

Jerry Seinfeld is too offensive, and now Jon fucking Stewart isn't liberal enough? Who do they consider funny?

Who do they consider funny?

People that only make fun of whitey and conservatives. See, Jon fucked up with the Hermain Cain thing because he only met 1 out of the 2 criteria.

This is the impression Cenac got offended by (Starts around 2:10):


I got to say, that's probably the least offensive impression I've ever heard.

"I was uncomfortable and I just spoke from my place."

I'm getting sick of this newfangled shit where people invoke "well, I didn't wanna, but my hands were tied" defense when they CHOOSE to behave in a manner they know is obnoxious. Cenak's entitled to his objections, but he was perfectly capable of voicing his concerns privately.

And beyond that, Cenak's acting as if he's the first person to ever be made uncomfortable by a show they were working on. It's a socio-political commentary show, how un-volatile do you think the waters of that ship are that it won't steer into a location you're a little uncomfortable with? And the FIRST time it happens you're so overcome by disgust, you become possessed and throw a hissy fit in front of the whole staff? He seems like he was not cut out for that job.

"It was a black thing, and Cenak was the only black writer on the show, so he stood up for his entire race." - Numerous articles on this situation.

The subtext of that is that any black person in their right mind wouldn't stand for a black impression from a white performer, even in context. Which, and I know people on this sub are acutely aware of this, is horseshit. Look, Cenak's a dude, he can think and feel how he wants, I'll even give it to him that he can register complaints if he wants to, but this whole idea of "Well, BLACK PEOPLE weren't there to defend themselves, so OF COURSE Stewart did the funny black guy voice!" How many of the black comics of the O&A, Tough Crowd, Comedy Cellar scenes would have been seriously offended by just the simple impression of another black guy? Chris Rock, Keith Robinson and Kevin Hart aren't all sitting in the corner sulking because there are white comics who do black guy impressions sometimes.

This isn't a black comics vs. white comics thing, this is a byproduct of the newfangled rinky-dink gluten free, watched-The-Office-and-one-Carlin-bit-on-Youtube-and-decided-to-be-a-comic generation of comedians, brushing up against seasoned vets who know what's funny, and don't give a shit.

Jon Stewart does silly, hack impressions of every type of person. They're always fun and funny and never "offensive". Cenak is a cunt. You can tell by the way he talks about his loving mother, and then the way he talked about Stewart. Jesus Christ, you had a blow out with your boss, fucking get over it. And you know that mother fucker was sulking around the office for the next year cuz he's a fucking little boy that can't deal with life or confrontation. He's a self absorbed, baby

Don't call me baby.

If you listen to the whole thing, then you know his dad died when he was 4 and he grew up in a crazy, dysfunctional family. After years of close-to-homelessness financial trouble he got a lifeline in the form of a job, by Jon Stewart. Perfect for his style as a comedian. When you then clash in a way he described, ruining a professional and mentor-like relationship, is it so far fetched that you break down? Who doesn't remember major fights you've had with people, years after, that are still affecting you? This man has lost his job over that conflict, no pussy in my book.


I think he treats his mother horrible. But hearing the drama he creates from a non event with Stewart I'm not surprised.

Yeah, dude acts like his mom is Debbie Mathers. The lady's baby daddy got murdered so she was just overly protective and overbearing. Hardly a reason to be blackballed. I was cringing when he talked about her coming to his show. The dude really does have the emotional brain of a angsty 16 year old. What a cunt!

Maron has been just getting lucky with material for the past couple of weeks, first Obama sits with him and now a Jon Stewart racist story falls in his lap. What a lucky duck!

No one eats their own like you people on the left. I really thought Stewart would be invulnerable, but i guess with his retirement on the way he is no longer needed, or maybe his quitting before the election is perceived as some sort of betrayal.

If we're talking about republicans vs democrats like its black and white, I guess I'm a democrat. And while I hate what's going on in the party and see your point, I can look at your side of things and see mouth breathing Trumpers, Tea Baggers, and birthers and say the same shit

I've seen this reported as "Jon Stewart doesn't take well to having his white privilege checked" and its the saddest thing I have ever seen.

He was easily my least favorite Daily show contributor. Never thought he was remotely funny. What a douche, Jon Stewart is like the crusader of the left and now he's even getting criticized? Jesus the left are going to eat themselves until nobody is allowed to be funny anymore.

If Opie hears the interview, he'll be on O&J soon. He'll want to sniffle on air with Wyatt over the overbearing-mom stuff.

That was a damn good interview, one of the one's that used to make WTF so great. Honestly you rarely hear anything this interesting or compelling on there anymore.

Personally? I got the job of my dreams, and look up to Jon Stewart & want to stay in the good graces of the show? I'd keep my mouth shut. It's one thing if they were in a writer's meeting and Jon called him the N word in front of the entire staff or something, then absolutely make a stink, speak up, etc. But to "kind of be offended" by something he did? Is it really worth rocking the boat & jeopardizing your spot on the show over something so stupid?

Guy sounds like a pain in the ass to be around, one of these 'outspoken' types that has to let everyone know their opinion on anything and get offended by anything.

Noones even bringing up the mom stuff. The way he cut her off cuz she was overbearing when he was a kid was some real selfish, fucked up shit. He sounds like the most self absorbed, bratty dude ever.

Apparently he got in a shoving match with Norm MacDonald too once when he was an SNL intern.

Oh FUCK THIS GUY FOR REAL NOW. maybe the pests should have a reunion tour at this guys expense

I thought he was kind of funny on an episode of how did this get made. And he was in David cross' movie Hits and I liked that.

Who cares.

HITS.. the longest set up EVER for a punchline.

So worth it though hahaha

ehhhhh... almost. Wanted a little more out of it.

The whole movie was one big setup and the punchline was the huge laugh of the movie. But I enjoyed the journey. Adomian was classic.

You don't have to like the subject of an interview for it to be a good interview.

What a whiny asshole he is indeed. Jon Stewart insulted tons of people over the years but after one impression of a black man he suddenly can't take it anymore? The black man in question publicly spoke about it and said he had no,problem with it because Jon Stewart is a comedian. Does Wyatt not know Jon is a comedian? Does he not know in what business he is? Ugh.

I somehow feel more stupid having listened to most of that maron podcast. What was that moaning bitch on about? Such an irritatingly boring cunt with delusions of self importance. Hadn't seen his own mother in over decade...that tells its own story.


Normally I would say to you, Op - no, you're wrong. Because people like this who are crybabies and who, even as a lowly staff writer for Jon Stewart of all people, can't help but make every little offense about them will ultimately go unpromoted, unrecognized, will burn too many industry bridges, rub too many people the wrong way, and will fail in showbiz until they sink into $40k/yr. oblivion doing mundane clerical shit.

But in 21st century America, guys like Cenak get publicity. They get exposure, they get legitimized for their hurt feelings and, unfortunately, their complaints are accepted without question because their skin is dark. And Jon Stewart's legacy may or may not get tainted, time will tell. Such is life in PC America.

Stewart's legacy won't ultimately be hurt by this. He'll be fine.

I hope it isn't, but at this point I can't say I'd be surprised if the SJWs tore him down the way they've torn down so many others

Oh thats the guy Norm Macdonald got into a fight with

That was another completely non story from Cenac. He makes drama out of every little fight he has.

You'd think someone with that much extra melanin would be nore thick skinned.

I really dont think that he is wrong. Black people have faced challenges you cant begin to understand and you really need to step up and defend them. Only a fucking pussy would speak out against them after all their struggles and go as far as to fucking DOXX THEM. I feel like I am taking crazy pills and it is fucking chilling that Ant hasnt been taken down yet.


Jon Stewart is the man. His show has been consistently good and funny for a decade. Plus we got Colbert, Oliver, Schaal, Carrell, and Black out of it, plus we currently got Klepper and Williams crushing it too. Stewart and the correspondents he's spawned are excellence. And while I might be overselling a bit, I mostly mean every word I am saying. Cenak and Wilmore are the only ones I actually can't stand from that show (and Cenak I never hated till I listened to him on Maron today-pathetic)



he gots himself a case of da heebedy jeebedys

It's a pity that he's had a falling out with Jon. I really liked him on The Daily Show, but who knows what really went on.

It would be ridiculous to speculate about what goes on behind the scenes of a show.

I'm sure we can all agree on that, guys.

Shut up, fag.