There are just too many good shows on television.

23  2015-07-24 by Dannyprecise

That's what Opie said to Josh Gad on why he hasn't watched his show The Comedians.

Opie asked Josh if he thinks that there are just too many good shows on TV now, which Josh agreed to, and he then proceeded to claim that he hasn't watched his show because of all the other great tv shows out there; and by great shows, Opie must mean The Kardashians, anything on Bravo, Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner stuff, because he doesn't watch anything else. He has no time for GoT, TWD, OITNB, True Detective...that mother fucker never even saw Breaking Bad...but there are just so many good shows on tv that he can't fit The Comedian into his life.



I have to agree with the statement. There is so much good TV going. There's three shows during one hour of Sunday night that are must watch. Problem is, Opie isn't watching ANY of them. He was lost on the Ray Donovan talk. Which I think is the best show running.

Did he wstch the sopranos?

I heard he watched the last episode so he could try to contribute to the inevitable on air discussion. After all, he knows Journey.

That's my point. He's not wrong in that there are a lot of quality tv shows, but he doesn't watch any of them, so not being able to watch The Comedians because of that is just dishonest.

Did I read somewhere Opie skipped all of the sopranos, but watched the finale so he could comment on it? What a fucking asshole.

And then during a brief discussion about GoT, he has to interrupt with "oh my god, oh my god" under his breath, just to tell them how much money Frozen has made.

His inability to contribute to any discussion involving these good tv shows he's too busy to watch leads to him interrupting for that shit.

Ray Donovan? Oof...

Ray Donovan is great.

It's good, but it's not the best show on TV right now.

Right now it is. Not counting shows that aren't literally on now. So TWD, GoT. Etc, don't count. It's MUCH better than True Detective.

As of this current moment yes I would agree that RD is probably the best of them.

He liked Game of Thrones for a while (well he watched it for the sex scenes) but they really lost him when they added in gay sex.

It inspired the Youtube sensation How To Chain Your Dragon.

If I bombed that badly, I would avoid all talk of GoT as well.

what was that? I remember people talking about it but I just searched and it looks like the videos gone. what did he make that bombed that badly he had to delete it? was it just that scene from GoT given that name?

I hate having to share anything this painfully retarded with another human being, but since you asked...

He liked that one episode he saw with the chick, with titsssss.

Which is 95% of the episodes...

He sounded like AJ Poopieshitz when he tried to talk about GoT.

I always thought that character was kinda made to bash him.

Gay sex? Hmmmm maybe I'll check out the show. Not for nothing but when exactly do the gays start going at it? So I can quickly skip forward to avoid all the sweaty man meat.


It's way too complicated a show for the Opster. Shit normal people have a hard time keeping up with all the different characters and storylines. Can you imagine if Opie tried?

And this is a man who is in the entertainment industry with a 12 hour a week job. For some of us, that's a day.

The Comedians was awful, what I saw of it anyway. Also, it's a remake, but since it's a remake with white people it doesn't count.

Oh, im sure it's terrible.

It's not bad, it's actually really good.

They are allowed to remake things with white people?

I think you're dead wrong, I watched the whole season and was surprised how fucking hilarious it was. Billy Crystal went way up in my respect after that show.

I watched the first episode and was playing boom beach on my phone most of the way through, fwiw.

He could have been a model, you know.

thought the comedians was pretty good

I feel like Opie is constantly in front of the TV with his mouth agape and his gaze fixed on his phone. He watches a shitload of TV, it's just mostly Bravo and E! stuff. Ever notice how he always contributes very quickly to the discussion when those housewive shows are mentioned? Then he pretends like, "Oh, yeah I mean it's always on in the house..."

I hated when you could tell he was a fervent watcher of television pitched to women and gays but he always said "his chick" had it on. Right, you have an encyclopedic knowledge of The View that you gleaned from your girlfriend watching it.

I was so annoyed when Ant & Jimmy would talk about Lost and all Opie would contribute is "I'm gonna hold out until I'm the last one who hasn't seen it". In the end Lost sucked balls but still....

The only show I think he said he watched was The Wire but all he says about it is how great it was. Atleast Jimmy went into why he liked the show and what characters he liked.

He was all in with 90 Day Fiance

But I would gladly watch a TLC show over anything with Billy Crystal in it.

especially if TLC was paying you to talk about it on you radio show.

OF COURSE HE HASN'T!! Outside of his family he is Opie The Destroyer (annoyer more like tsss) but when he's home, Lynsi is the destroyer. Opie knows he's the hole in his marriage. You know I bet that's why he started to bring his kids up more and more on O&A because Lynsi said "Gregg why don't you talk about our kids on the show that much?". Urgh fucking Opie

Keep in mind that this is the same guy that is obsessed with those shitty 'celeb-reality' shows.

I said it in replies, but The Comedians surprised the hell out of me. It was really funny and 'edgy'; at least A LOT more than I was expecting with Billy Crystal in it. I thought he'd drag the show down but he was really great in it. I definitely recommend it.

Didn't he only say he loved/watched The Wire like way after the fact?

When it was such a staple on the show with all the guests that he couldn't ignore it anymore?

Wouldn't be surprised if he never saw it.

Something tells me Opie doesn't have a lot of appreciation for subtlety or nuance...or anything else that makes a good show good.

Do we know that he actually watched the Wire all the way through?

His Sopranos opinions used to piss me the fuck off more than anything he babbled about. Just a total misunderstanding of what the show was. MORE WACKINGZZ!!!


the walking dead


Ain't nobody got time for that.

The comedians is a shitty show, its set up to blow billy crystals dick at every turn

Game of Thrones and True Detective are better than most TV, but still shit

I'm enjoying this year's True Detective. Last year was way better though.

how can the poster above say they are shit? they are fucking brilliant riveting shows. Agree with EskimoEscorw on this years TD, it still has me hooked. Im looking to find something as good as either of those shows. Looking forward to Fargo, the first season of that was great. Any suggestions?

How can you listen to Vince Vaughns character and not hate the show?

"Sometimes your worst self is your best self."

Well the acting sucks, I still think the writing is good just not delivered well, like if they weren't taken as seriously. Still, although the acting isn't great (I also don't like the homosexual cop) its a great show...I guess I can't explain why I enjoy it. I want to see what happens, its dark and puzzling.what do you want from me?!?!!

If you haven't watched season 1 of The Bridge, I'd highly recommend it. Penny Dreadful is cool. The Americans is amazing. First season of Homeland amazing. The Strain is fun. Daredevil and House of Cards on Netflix. Fargo was awesome but I hope they dont do a true detective. Better Call Saul was much better than I thought it'd be. The Leftovers.... ehhh. The Brink is fun/funny. Banshee is really fun. Strikeback is fun. The Knick. And as I've said, Ray Donovan is really really good. Gets better each year.

this is a good list to get into, thanks, though I didn't care for Daredevil...Better Call Saul was really funny, except for that one comedian whose name I forget...

GOT & True Detective have been the best series in a long while IMO - Only other shows/docs that have been close for me was Jinx.

just watched jinx...thanks for the mention, it was really great...pretty smart for them to package and tell the documentary story that way

This years True Detective fucking sucks. The first season was good because for all the pseudo deep shit Chole said Marty was there to laugh it off.

Ive honestly tried to watch this season but the dialogue is a fucking disgrace. I rarely notice bad writing but this is an absloute abortion.

No one talks like that. I fucking hate this show. Looking forward to Fargo though.

I'm thinking True Detective is working off of philosophical themes. Last year's was nihilism, which is always fun to watch. This year seems to be past lives and reincarnation, which I have yet to see come to any fruition.
But yeah, I agree, comparatively, the dialogue in season 1 was legendary.

I think the writing is still good just the delivery is bad. I try to imagine some of the lines which are delivered so seriously said by McCounaughy who had a bit of a dark comic or sarcastic thing going and i imagine they'd be good.

Exactly! The writer worked on season 1 his whole life. ...Season 2 done in a month. It's like a straight to DVD sequel. Not good.

I didn't hear about this. Is that true?

What? game of thrones is not shit. It sux to have to wait til next year for season 6 but it's not shit

True Detective is not nearly as good as it was last year, but GoT is still one of the best shows of all time.

Did I read somewhere Opie skipped all of the sopranos, but watched the finale so he could comment on it? What a fucking asshole.

Ray Donovan is great.

just watched jinx...thanks for the mention, it was really great...pretty smart for them to package and tell the documentary story that way