Amy Schumer has blood on her hands

0  2015-07-24 by CumiaVsBurr

She just had to go and release this turd of a film. Now innocent people are losing lives!



I won't see it now. Thanks for the heads up.

It wasn't bad. Most just heard the show heap praise on it for weeks and were let down it wasn't the next Godfather type classic. For what it was... A chick flick rom com... It was pretty good.

you're missing the joke there was a shooting in a theater showing the movie

period blood.

And pouring out of her twat. And tears in her eyes. And a trip to a children's charity store to make a donation.

Ok I feel bad about this one.

Wasn't a bad movie

You like wrestling, your ability to discern something as being bad is obviously non existent.

It was fucking terrible.

And in her cunt and asshole