If this doesn't inspire you to not be a raging alcoholic, I don't know what will.

23  2015-07-23 by RzK


Little known fact, she was in the school play.

Hamlet: "Frailty, thy name is woman!"

Di: "Uh, no no. My's not Frailty. It's Di."

"What's next?"

The same can happen without alcohol. Maybe it's a Jersey thing.

This is baffling.

I've never met a good looking retard...

wtf happened, did he grow up near three mile island?

How old is Mike? I always thought he was mid-40's, but that pic looks like it could be from the 70's.



Shit-pants vomitor


Oh, no no no no! I'm not a raging alcoholic!

Time and tide wait for no water buffler.

I assumed it would be a picture of ant.

It kind of is. Well, the second picture.



I'll be honest, I'm a faggot about drugs and alcohol anyway, because of family stuff. I am terrified of anything harder than weed.

But hearing how pathetic Lady Di was a few years back helped inspire me to get my life in order and stop being a piece of shit. Now I have a boring desk job I hate but I have a fucking job.

I would hate so badly to be like her and watch shit that reminds me of my childhood all day and change the subject anytime someone reminds me how shit my life is.

stay strong

Your inspiration moves us all forward John


Hmm I'm just wondering if this was before or after her boyfriend fucked her in the ass in the car

Or that passionate night of love-making on the door of that abandoned house.

she looks like the lead singer of a glam rock band

Oh, no no no no! I'm not the lead singer of a glam rock band!

Jim Norton T-shirt. Surely not a gift.

That's fucking depressing.

Oh, no no no no! I'm not fucking depressing!

what bothers me most is those crooked awful glasses

Think the face is bad? Think of what her liver looks like.

How did she get a golf ball in her nose?

She looks like a man

Oh, no no no no! I'm not a man!

Congratulations on the baby, Di.

This degeneration brought to you by Natty Ice and hobo cum.

I wish I had a Camaro and it was 1976 I would give Diana a deep dicking in the butt.

Oh my god, her face LOOKS how drunk people's faces FEEL.

I've seen beheading videos that have made me less uncomfortable.

