Florentine has a 3 day open ended invite to be a guest on TACS next week. Will he show?

10  2015-07-23 by Lilcumia

He's cancelled twice before.


An open-ended invite? What is he, four?

No, that's just the age of his average sexual partner.

this open ended guest invite will be standard practice at the NY Studio.

ANT: Amy Schumer has an open ended invite folks.


Why would he.. it's not like he's gonna find a new audience other than the 50 or so people that browse the TACS sub all day...


Yeah don't book him professionally, just tell him he can stop by if he wants.

Apparently booking professionally doesn't work with that zilch.

Did Anthony and Jim have any issues?

This is just more worthless speculation, but since Florentine is such a fan of Opie and since he and Anthony have had a bit of a tiff lately, maybe he feels going to Anthony's is a form of betrayal? Let me emphasize how unlikely this is given that he accepted the invitation in the first place.

Fun fact: Florentine was molested as a child by a man and that has nothing to do with the fact that he wants to distance himself from mannerisms, tastes and/or behaviors that even resemble those of an infant or a homosexual male.

And he'll cancel for a third.. Florentine just doesn't know how to tell Ant he sucks and would gain nothing from doing his show

lol how sad, ant has to have a 3 day open invite to a guest that everyone hates.

I don't hate him.

Ant's house has ketchup so I'm guessing no, unless there's chicks then me might do it for the chicks because it's ok if you do it for the chicks...chicks.

an open ended invite?

It that doesn't speak to the death of TACS, I don't know what does.

He would love to appear on the show but he's busy hammering out "awful Twitter handles part 6" for his own podcast.

I used to like some of those like 1 and 2. But in reality the "awful...." is just the same stance on all of them

I don't sub to his podcast anymore but I'll check in every once in a while (for a tassssste) and it's always "awful t-shirts #5" or some shit. The man really loves driving a concept into the ground.

Yea i still sub but usually listen to like 3 minutes of it and turn it off. Ill check it out if gary from FLA is on. Most podcasts without guests ive stopped listening to: dipaolo, burr, florentine

The other day he was like "I got stuck with the kid last minute." He can't bring the kid with him? It's an hour.

Maybe he doesn't want his kid to get fucked by a late 50's greasy haired potted face wop.

Ant loves kids, they probably would have gotten him to say some wacky shit. Probably would have been fun. Cmon, Jim!

Maybe, or maybe Anthony would just fuck his little ass. The guys an edgy Jock shock, he's out of control! Fawk yeaah!

You're quite edgy yourself.


Dvv Dvv!

Retards, drunks, drunk retards, junkies, 400 pound wackbaggers, guns around, meeting anthonys 13 year old girlfriend...

I can't think of a more irresponsible decision that a parent could make or an experience more frightening and poisoning to a child.

If it's a 3 day is it really open ended?

Dinosaur in the back garden? What am i? Fucking 5 year olds?


He's going to Dr. Steve's comedy event in Tennesse, but yunno, that L.I.E....

Greggshells all over the floor. See if you can get to the compound without stepping on some Jim.

I hope not. Florentine is nawt funny

his twitter says he's in Nebraska for the next three days

Nebraska better be a stripper's name

Apparently booking professionally doesn't work with that zilch.

Ant loves kids, they probably would have gotten him to say some wacky shit. Probably would have been fun. Cmon, Jim!