What "Personal insult" about Ant or his family got him angry enough to bring on this current controversy?

33  2015-07-23 by ImAGayNigger

Hairplugs? Heart attack? Crack/Coke use? Pedophile jokes about his 17 year old girl?


Someone here suggested it may have been Alzheimers insults about a family member.

He should just forget about it then.

Good one

The guy referred to Ant & Joe as Sons Of Alzheimey

That's fucking brilliant

I think his mom has alzheimers. So I can see why he would be pissed. Especially since he has the emotional range of a see-saw. But you pretty much have to have bulletproof skin to be a celebrity on the Internet today.

Shes faking the alzheimers as an excuse not to talk to him or Joe. Doesn't want to reveal the new black boyfriend.

So Sal is a cuckold?

I like to jack off in the corner, Roe!

Get 'im to cum on my Chrissssmus Shewwwwws Roe!

Wonder if that's why he hasn't done Ronald Reagan in like 10 years.

"...yes. Er um-- hello?"

who gives a fuck, everyone knows somebody with alzheimers, i love how ant could make fun of some of the most horrible shit but cant take it when it hits close to home.

all OnA would preach is "if you can laugh at one thing you should be able to laugh at everything, even if it afffects you"

what a joke

From "fun drunk that does impressions" to a vag with a bunch of guns and an agenda. What in christ's name happened?

Age, loneliness, and money.

That's how everyone is. It annoys me when I see that, but I'm sure we all got that thing in our lives. Or lots do anyway.

Yeah but the difference is for the past two decades he's ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS railed on the "Nothing is off limits get a sense of humor" thing.

This is a guy who's made jokes about a retarded guy that got anally raped with a plumber's snake, an old woman getting the shit beat out of her by a mugger, and constantly brought up "What happened?" for YEARS

And now that he's lost some of his juice, the joke is over. He's taking his ball and going home.

Exactly, if ant would of been on a situation on OnA where he thought of that line and could say it about a caller or celebrity, he definitely could of said it. It also would of gotten a huge laugh

Or if you make fun of people in bad spots every day on the air.

Karma for shitting on Reagan for having Alzheimer's all those years ago?


To be fair and trying and be objective, if your mum- the woman who gave you life and had one of the most awful, depressing illnesses out there which is Alzheimers - and some anonymous prick on the internet started taking the piss out of that (if that's what happened, mind you). I'm not a tough guy or anything, but if that was me, I'd happily break every bone in both my hands smashing that cunt's face in. If that was the situation (if), what the Corsican pimp did might be a reasonable (though slightly pussy) response. Though just ignoring it would probably be the smartest thing to do.

After all this motherfucker has done, anybody can come at him with everything they have. There is no excuse.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Poz542UW0B0 < Do you think Ant was any less harsh here?

His mom didn't care enough about him to even give him a middle name, there's no love in that awful family.

Threatening to doxx is never a reasonable response. Especially for someone who has gotten pissed when it's been done to him before.

he originally said it was because of the roast (with glee!) but the next day changed it to imply it was about a close family member

He's done this to justify the doxxing once he realised people didn't agree with it, it's like how the story of his being assaulted continued to change depending on who he told it to, how he explained it on Joe Rogan was completely different to the initial story.

Yep, on the Soder episode he said he did it because someone was "pissing him off". Then, only after he got shit for it, he changed to saying that he got "personal attacks".

He acted like an asshole, got shit for it, and then made shit up to justify being an asshole.

I'm thinking this is also exactly what happened in timesquare

He didn't doxx the guy.

He showed the guy his home address, he didn't release it on twitter but it's clear the threat is implicit. Why else would he show the guy his address to shut him up? Just because it doesn't fit the exact definition of the word doesn't mean it's not creepy and weird.

Keep toeing the line. He threatened to doxx him, and that's what we've been pissed about all along.

you bombed and your brother is a boob

I don't know why but something about calling Joe a "boob" is fucking hysterical to me.

When you show such sensitivity, you not only invite trolls you entice people into trolling. I don't hate Ant, but seeing him think he's a big man for threatening to doxx someone makes me want to challenge him into doing the same to me.

When you show such sensitivity, you not only invite trolls you entice people into trolling

This is fucking hilarious coming from you, the easiest person on the sub to troll.

lol u still mad, gossipy fag

Dude you sent me 5 pms (in a row) and literally told me you were mad in one of them.


Thanks for imitating me again, I'm flattered. The only difference between you using the 'reply with one word' trick and me using it is I'm not going to respond for 6 hours... like you did.








"You sucked at that roast!"

Check your DMs tough guy

You still wanna do this?

Someone questioned the bravery of the mighty Kumiyya tribe.

Anthony Kooma


On the plus side, at least his mom isn't dying of embarrassment because of what a thin skinned faget her son became. Because she doesn't remember him.

I bet he got a good chuckle out of the Opie/Bam comments until he saw someone refer to his mom as ol' mush-brain.

That's what he gets for calling George Harrison old pudding head. That always pissed me off. No mercy on that fuckhead hypocrite.

until he saw someone refer to his mom as ol' mush-brain.

/u/anthonycumiashow look up this guy's info in your subscribers database and let get him stat!

ooga booga, look out for big bad Ant

He had no fucking problem with all the Lynsi cuck jokes flying around.

Hit a little close to home on you for once?

This motherfucker sensitive as shit, silky smooth like a bitch, now you see what Opie goes through.

I'm pretty sure he said that stuff may have gone too far, but what do I know.

He is back peddling in horrible fashion, trying to justify it in hindsight. For all we know someone told him to go fuck his mother and he's saying it was "going after his family" or something.

I think he assumed his fans would think it was so funny that he doxxed someone and agree with him, however, aside from an elite group of retarded TACS-ciples, everyone uniformly agrees he's wrong and an asshole for it.

Discusses how his ex co-worker couldn't take a joke, goes on for 2 hours about it....but he himself can't take a fucking joke

Remember the time he fell out with the Beavis account? Someone went after the beav again.

'Italians are not white'

i usually dont hate ant but he blew it by saying "jokes about my family". what did someone make fun of joe?


does ant actually use crack/coke? ive never heard that one before.

He also used to freebase with his mommy and retarded brother Joe

He used to freebase when he was younger. Freebase is just the white way of saying I smoked rocks. He discussed it numerous times over the years. I don't think it's that big of a deal who hasn't done a little coke in their 20's

And 30s

I've done coke and other shit a decent amount, but my friends who did an occasional bender in college never thought smoking crack wasn't a big deal. It's crack lol.

I've done both numerous times. I've been clean for years now but if you put both in front of me I would be smoking rocks all night long. It can fuck your life up big time but damn do you get fucking wacked out.

Dude, you're right about that. I'm only a year and a few months into the no hard drugs thing, but I know what you're saying. I just meant that "normal" people don't think smoking crack is fine to do lol.

Ha! I forget what a normal person does.

He used to sell enough coke to pay for his own use when he was in his 20s I think.

he talked a long time ago about selling coke and freebasing with his brother. Also I think he freebased with his mom.

All he has to do is say, "Okay, I shouldn't have threatened to doxx the guy" and make a joke about how sensitive he was being and everybody would move on.

Instead he tries justifying it.

His ego has taken a huge hit from getting fired, making much less money, and bombing at the roast. He's no longer capable of self-deprecation because he'd break down crying if he looked inward at all.

It's got to be the teen. His weak spot has always been his girlfriends.

Sicilians are moors.

It's "moops."

He bombed. 19 times. A feel bombs were predicated on the idea of who he was. No one got it. He's been forgotten.

What, too real!?

Mookie Wilson fucked the brains out of his mommy when she was a disco hooker now she doesn't remember her name.

4 comments and this thread is already at 0 points? Hello Ant! Shouldn't you be ranting on Twitter?

that happens to all threads on here. if it got to 4 comments before hitting zero thats alot better than most.

He's pretty thin skinned so any of the above would set him off.

Anthony is an afraid little pussy faggot. Coulda been anything. He's a piece of shit loser and deserves no one's respect.

hES GOtta smalL PEKA

Who is going to go after anyone if Ant gives their personal info? Nobody even likes Ant right now.

can someone explain?

cock size?

Was it an insult or a threat against his family? Doesn't he just block detractors without a moment's hesitation?

Guessing he didn't want to reveal exactly what it was that he was sensitive about (cause that would be pretty stupid) so he just said family.


well maybe the big difference is hes doing it on the radio to entertain the masses, wheres the cunt fuck doing it to him on DM is only doing it to piss of ant directly.

His bro?

what's the current controversy? been out of the loop for a little bit.

I did mention his mother but not her Alzheimer's, I didn't know she had it

Are you a subscriber? Do you think he looked up your info from his database?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Poz542UW0B0 < Do you think Ant was any less harsh here?

After all this motherfucker has done, anybody can come at him with everything they have. There is no excuse.

His mom didn't care enough about him to even give him a middle name, there's no love in that awful family.

Threatening to doxx is never a reasonable response. Especially for someone who has gotten pissed when it's been done to him before.