If Ant had any awareness left, he'd do an AMA on here before the move to the new studio.

0  2015-07-23 by [deleted]

I'm fairly certain he won't as he seems to have abandoned all self-awareness. He's been "reddit dark" for a month, yet you can tell from this show he's aware of all the criticism that's been brought up on here.

Three/four months ago this sub couldn't be more with Ant. He has since turned every one against him with his actions...

· Making up lies about Opie and Sam's relationship to stir up some drama.

· Doing 20-minute live infomercials on a subscription-based show.

· Continuing to linger on the Opie-rivalry after "Walking on Greggshells" while Opie now doesn't even acknowledging him anymore.

· The way that the whole Ronnie B. thing was dealt had of all the professionalism of Fredo watching the Havana Super Man show.

· Then we had his bombing at the roast, which was fine, he's not a comedian. But his refusal to admit that he bombed just shows exactly where he's at right now. Two months ago he was coming on here with the confidence and arrogance of a man who's career is on the way up (check this cunty comment, for example). Now, he can't take any criticism at all whatsoever - and will refuse outright to accept any criticism. The Ant from O&A would have made jokes about bombing, this Ant has surrounded himself with so many yes men that he's lost all self-awareness.

· Then, most recently, a lot of us learnt a fancy new internet word. Ant (by his own admission) threatened to dox someone, and everyone criticized him for it. Then he tries to defend his actions 2 shows in a row, saying that he didn't dox anyone - completely ignoring the fact that he threatened to dox and that's what the criticism was about. Dox. Dox. Dox.

· Almost all the feedback that I see on here about his continuous obsession with race and black people is that it has become repetitive and completely boring to listen to. No-one cares about it as much as him, and most people are sick of it, yet he continues to make it the main reason for his show - it's completely self-serving. I listened to a couple episodes of Nick DiPaolo's podcast recently who also loves to talk about his political views and black people just like Ant. The podcast isn't exactly the best out there, but Nick at least makes it fun to listen to and isn't as angry and obsessed as Ant has become.

Ant's last comment on here was saying that he is willing to do another AMA, even saying that he has nothing to hide from - but that was a month ago and he hasn't mentioned it since. This is a complete cunty-wife analogy to make I know; but Ant tweets and talks constantly about how the media only reports on the things that suit their agenda, and will only discuss things that benefit them. Meanwhile, Ant was all about commenting on here and bringing it up on his show when things were going good for him but when things aren't as favorable for him, he's completely refuses to acknowledge any of it and won't interact.

With the move to the new studio and the first year of his show coming to an end, it's the perfect time to let us know what we could expect. To try and get some of us to resubscribe for a month, and also directly address some of the criticism that he hasn't spoke about.

TL;DR - Ant should do the AMA he said he would do.

/u/anthonycumiashow comment?


This place is shit now. He's even dumber than we think if he comes back here ever