Shots fired

0  2015-07-23 by bdizzle45

Jimmy said "Human Garbage" in that cunty video voice mocking Opie.


The first time I heard the term "human garbage" was when Jimmy described someone on LFTC before Ant's firing. Opie obviously has heard Jimmy use it before, and put it in his Bank of Mimicry.

PS: sorry...don't have time to dig up a link.

It's a pretty mild shot, but yeah, there's no way for that not to be a reference.

Got a link for that?

cunty video voice

You mean Chip? Cause that's exactly what he was doing. Every time this woman shrieked "piece of garbage", Chip yelled "FAWK YEAH!!", since "______ garbage" is definitely a Chip thing.

It was less "shots fired" and more Chip improv.

definitely wasn't chip. he was doing an impression of the woman in the video while saying human garbage.