Opie and Anthony Hindsight Report: January/February 2001

30  2015-07-22 by CuckECheese

January 2000 | February 2000 | March 2000 | April 2000 | May 2000 | June 2000 | Teen Voyeur Bus 2000

*Spaz quit his job at the radio station for an undisclosed reason, so he is now gone from Opie and Anthony and has been replaced by his protege Stinky.

*Stinky accidentally introduces the show as "January 4th, 2000." instead of January 4th, 2001.

*Opie and Anthony were almost fired during their vacation while a ton of other jocks were fired. The reason is not announced on the air and any mention of it is dumped out of.

*Apparently them almost being fired didn't have anything to do with the Voyeur Bus incident.

*Two teams Opie picked to win sports games lost, thus beginning the Sports Curse (TM)

*Black Earl came into the studio furious and shook the CD rack. When asked why, he couldn't provide a reason.

*Lady Di calls in. It's the first time I've heard her on the show but it's not her debut, apparently.

*Lady Di admits she has a crush on Anthony and is upset that he doesn't have a crush on her.

*Opie was furious with management and wasn't going to go on with the show, until Andrew "Dice" Clay contacted him privately and told him he has to go back on the air.

*Opie and Anthony decide they want to rename WNEW to "WONA." They research if these call letters are already taken, and they are by a radio station in Mississipi.

*Opie and Anthony call the woman who owns the radio station WONA and try to buy the call-letters off of her.

*Anthony: "WNEW are iconic call letters and they belong in Mississipi!"

*Two cousins were supposed to come onto the show and eat each other out for WWF tickets but they no-showed.

*Opie and Anthony are sending Stinky and Black Earl to Mississipi to give gifts to the woman who owns WONA.

*Wynona, Mississipi has no bars. Most of their stores aren't in business anymore and strip clubs don't allow women to enter as guests.

*Opie and Anthony are finally using Street Fighting Man.

*Rich Vos and Jim Norton laid in bed together masturbating with a girl in between them. Rich Vos insists that this isn't gay.

*When the guys arrived at Mississipi, the fan who drove them there dressed in full KKK attire. According to the woman, "he's lucky he wasn't shot by one of my neighbors."

*You cannot show the confederate flag in Mississipi. It's banned.

*Opie predicts that Stalker Patti will never have sex.

*Two hot girls shave Patti's nipples on the air. Then they do her chin, mustache and butthole.

*In discussion of football, Opie keeps referring to The Giants as "us" and "our." (aka "We totally beat them that year.") You're not on the team, sir.

*Opie and Anthony were going to get syndicated in Washington DC. They even played a "Best of" show on a station up there but it was pulled when Opie and Anthony upset management.

*Opie mentions The Islanders, and right after he says their name the coach of the team is struck in the face on television. The curse is getting worse.

*Lady Di and Marion came into the studio. It's noted that Lady Di is wearing leather pants and lingerie to impress Anthony.

*Lady Di says she's going to lose weight.

*During Sex for Sam, Psycho Mark let a couple have sex in the manager's office. He was immediately fired.

*Opie and Anthony have a one night show in Bostom on WBCN. It's being simulcast in New York City, but they're actually IN Boston.

*Opie and Anthony were given rooms at the hotel they were fired at when they said the mayor was dead.

*After the Voyeur Bus incident, Opie and Anthony said that police arrived at the studio to arrest them but they fled the studio before they arrived.

*Opie and Anthony say that the old radio station in Boston they used to work for has not contacted them since they were fired three years ago.

*The XFL pre-game show will have two hosts: Opie and Anthony.

*Opie tells a story about a crazy ex he had who, after she broke up with him and he moved on to a new girl, sent Opie 15 messages on his machine. The last message had her getting fucked by a new guy just to make Opie jealous even though she broke up with him. Opie apparently played these tapes on the radio back in the day and got in deep trouble.

Show of the month: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJSYSd8NkHk


Black Earl came into the studio furious and shook the CD rack. When asked why, he couldn't provide a reason.

This was my favorite one.

Earl probably had a reason and was willing to share it.

But he's so inarticulate and such an inept broadcaster that he can't even finish a sentence.

so any mention of Jim Norton first joining the show was basically wiped off the internet? not blaming you its justy weird and unfortunate. its about the only thing I would want to hear from that era. Based off the first few seconds of that video you posted I cant even take listening to it. It urgently has to be turned off.

I heard it years ago on YouTube but it since disappeared.

I went to Ole Miss. At the time our mascot was Colonel Reb. A confederate plantation owner. The school's color scheme is the same as the flag...

I assure you Rebel flags aren't banned in Mississippi. They were numerous.

I'm just saying what the redneck ladybitch said.

And you're doing a fine job.

Yeah but according to your tag I'm full of shit. So what's the truth, FFFFUCKFACE?

Fawwkin buried that cawksukka!

Nice work man, I love these hindsight reports.

I really enjoy these, thanks for your service.

Do they say what pissed off DC management so much? these lists are great BTW.

It had nothing to do with DC management, it was WNEW management who pulled the plug on their syndication.

This hindsight report reminded me of these:


  • Jimmy supports the Patriot Act and is in agreement that the NSA should be able to tap our phone calls.

  • A female reporter says that a 'famous golfer' was sexually harassing her, Opie comments, 'Hmm...Probably the black one.'

Any idea why the brass wanted O&A fired along with everybody else? At the time, O&A were killing it in the ratings and were carrying the station. I can understand trying to mix things up with the other slots but firing them makes zero sense, unless it has to do with the Voyeur Bus incident.

I'm guessing it had to do with them driving on Clinton's path during the Voyeur Bus but I honestly don't know.

They got an FCC fine for the Teen guess what's in my pants bit and the 'I'm horny for little girls' song. Which is still the funniest song from the offensive song contest and holds up...unlike that shitty baby raper song.

Oh shit, good memory! Yeah I can never tell with those guys about what actually gets them in trouble or not. Circa 2001, they kinda put this show on that makes it seem like everything they do could be the last thing they ever air on radio, haha

I totally believe the story about Opie's ex!

For those of you who want to hear the earliest Jim Norton appearance on the internet, the Teen Voyeur Bus incident is as close as we currently have. It's on YouTube.

Spaz quitting had something to do with him no longer wishing to be the butt of everybody's joke on the air anymore. O&A said many times that Spaz wanted to go by his real first name, and he wanted to start being a serious member of the show. The boys said no way, and he quit.

Having Vos and Jimmy in studio on a regular basis is fucking awesome. With Spaz gone and Jimmy contributing frequently, this absolutely feels like the O&A we know and love. It just sounds like a radio show that is coming into supreme confidence. And justly so, at this point their ratings were higher than Howard's in most demographics. Throughout 2001-2002 they pretty much are the biggest thing in radio, and this is what the old fans refer to when they say the boys were better on NEW.

I haven't listened to much yet, but having Jimmy in there is great. He doesn't interject often, probably because he doesn't want to step on O&A's toes at this point, but he's a great addition when he is in studio.

this is great keep up the good job.

The only thing i dont understand is if lady di was a slob back then, i think she still had a job, and she looks great on her younger pictures. So i dont know what state she was when she started appearing on the show.

She's a fat mess even as early as 2001.