You guys think Anthony is bad?

0  2015-07-22 by uhgnk

put your efforts toward a real POS: guy is an admitted mysogynist


guy is an admitted mysogynist

That's why I like him.

ha...I love that there are still people like about you be more of a racist apologist?

not to mention a doxxer..wish I could fucking kill you and ant. correction, I WILL kill you and Ant. hateful idiot.

And I don't even want to know what you might say about a women with one arm. We dont accept people like you anymore. Times have changed. Get the fuck out of here.

Mysogyny is hilarious.

That subreddit is insane. There is a guy there that literally makes Rogan hate proganda video's out of pretty much every podcast. Complete with mid sentence jump cuts and everything.

jesus christ

Everyone knows women are worse you dumbass. Fuck off, this subreddit isn't for you.

Oh no, not misogyny!

It's up there with racism. If you don't agree you are part of the problem. We're obiously rising up, you'll be stopped soon.


Geez I wish people would stop wth all the mysogyny talk. I was a fan for years but now I might say I'll unsubscribe even though I never will whaaa whaaaa whaaaa

Not your personal army.


Fuck off stupid. We only care about harassing big titted autistic cucks and drunk, pedophile clan members here.

you made my point, idiot. drunk, peodphile, misogynist....dare i say racist? fuck you al;l