Trainwreck...seen it?

0  2015-07-22 by Dannyprecise

Cause I did and I barely laughed. It was a well acted movie with a good storyline but it just wasn't that funny.

Colin Quinn was the highlight of the entire movie. Dave Attell played himself if he just didn't live indoors. Cool, Bobby had a brief forgettable line. Opie being obsessed with that wrestler's body was weird. He's a muscular guy; has he never seen a guy with muscles before? Keith Robinson's exchange with him was entertaining. Made very little sense, but entertaining.

I wouldn't really recommend anyone go watch this movie if you think you're going to sit there and laugh half the time. Most parts I was like "ok, I can understand why they're laughing" when people in the theater would laugh.


It's a Judd apatow movie, half funny, half rom com. Handful of funny parts, awesome cameos, Amy's cool. Solid flick, not the greatest but not bad. The Amy hate in here is pathetic

It is just a mediocre movie. But because of the actors involved and the director, people are over rating it. The media has been building Amy up and pumping her up non stop, they had to love her movie. Calling her revolutionary for playing the lead in a pretty generic romantic comedy. This thing opened to 30million. That's more than bridesmaids, knocked up, superbad. Really shows the power of the media. They're acting like this is some hysterical movie (like the ones I mentioned) but is not. It's a by the numbers romantic comedy that happens to have some talented people involved with it. It left me unimpressed, especially after all the praise.

Going to the cinema makes me want to murder people.

The world is not your living room you shoe-removing, lipsmacking, constantly talking cunt.

what kind of fat fuck needs to eat during a less than two hours on average movie too? guarantee you they ate before leaving for the movie as well. and it's shitty movie theater food.

I think the media is so eager for female comedy star that they've hitched onto amy's wagon, regardless of if it's true. Bridesmaids was a legitimately hilarious comedy. It wasn't a generic chick flick like Trainwreck turned out to be.

I saw an article in the NY post the other day saying Amy is about to usurp Louis CK as the best comic in America.

I think the media is desperate to have a female version of Louis actually. It's like that's what they're trying to turn her in to.

This movie was fine for what it is. What bugs me is they're making it out like it's a revelation of a film (it's not) and Amy is an amazing actress in it (she's not) . It was hyped and reviewed like it was the next Knocked Up but it's closer to something like an R rated How to Lose a Guy in 10 days than it is knocked up, in the type of movie it is. It's a romantic comedy, not an outright comedy.

There's a "female version of Louis"—of today's Louis—out there already.

She's been at it for years, seasoning her scolding moralistic homilies with "How can she say that?!" shock humor that freaks out the squares and sends the puritans into apoplexy.

In fact, she's far more popular than Louis.

Ann Coulter.

I love Ann Coulter. She is just so good at what she does. She is like a political Ric Flair.

I'm done watching Apatow movies, Funny People showed what a self serving takes-himself-seriously ass he is. He rides every comedy trope and cliche yet is lauded for his realism because of some "touching moments". I don't need to be touched by my comedies.

That, and he keeps shoving his ugly kids in every movie.

Does it go 5 seconds without a cheap sex joke? Judging from the commercials it did not look like it did, and every joke in the commercials was terrible.

I laughed at some parts. I enjoyed seeing the comedians. I thought it was way too long and it couldn't have been more formulaic.

2/4 stars.

I thought it was pretty good, but if you don't like romantic comedies this movie isn't going to be the exception. I thought it was pretty well acted and the jokes worked for me for the most part, but it doesn't subvert the formula at all.

but amy is the comedic genius of our time!

Comedy is extremely subjective and a matter of personal taste but if you don't think Amy Schumer is funny you're a sexist, lookist, backwards thinking dumb-dumb. Period.

I would've expected the opposite - it had lines you could laugh at but the story was generic and didn't require much acting chops.

I barely laughed

Hmm, that's surprising. A lot of well respected comics in that. Let me just check imdb and get a few na-

"Directed By Judd Apatow".

Ah, found the problem.

"a lot of well respected comics in that"

And Jimmy's part was cut!

There is something funny about putting Jimmy in a movie just to cut him out. I would do that if I was Judd Apatow.

I would cast him in "The Jim Norton and Chums" Motion Picture. I'd constantly compliment his costars during filming, then add as an afterthought: "You were good too Jim" while the script supervisor sniggers. Then months later, during editing I'd phone him to say I decided to go in a new direction. Then I'd go on Howard Stern to promote my new movie: "Chums" starring Colin Quinn and Amy Schumer.

I think that would pretty funny, and the only time Judd Apatow would make O&A fans laugh.

Don't forget about little yimmy's big part in the movie.

I saw it last night it was a chick flick. It dragged on for two hours. I laughed once or twice, but it was a terrible movie.

I saw it Monday, and I have to agree with you. It was mediocre at best.

Colin was funny, as was Cena and LeBron. The rest of the movie thematically just played off of the same jokes that Schumer has been making about herself for years now...nothing really new was brought to the table.

The other thing I didn't like about it, which is something I think Apatow has really made into a mainstay in current era comedies, is the 'lesson' that the characters learn in the third act. I went to see a comedy...not a what's with this bullshit as of late where everything that makes the character interesting/funny has to be abandoned towards the end of the film in order for it to work?

Eh...anyway, my girlfriend liked it, and I guess that was the intention. But as a guy, there isn't much there for you in this movie.

This movie does NOT need to be seen in the theater. It would work just as well at home.

What was the movie's dramatic angle that everybody's been raving about where Amy supposedly really showed her Oscar worthy acting chops? The trailers pitch it as a screwball sex comedy so any dramatic element must really be shoehorned the fuck in.

It was during a funeral scene, without going into too much detail. She was a better of an actor than I thought she would be in those moments. But it was just stand out in comparison to the rest of the film. It would have just been standard against other strong actors.

Oscar worthy? Wow these people are ridiculous. The hype train is about to fly off the rails with her.

Oscar worthy? Wow these people are ridiculous. The hype train is about to fly off the rails with her.

We heard you.

Couple funny parts, predictable storyline. I've seen much worse but it's nothing special, wait for it to be on demand.

Colin is great and should have been the main character.