Anthony's girlfriend (Dani GoLightly) looks like she has Progeria.

3  2015-07-22 by NoremacMartin

It's one thing to date young girls, but she looks deathly ill. This low self esteem guinea couldn't even get a good looking gold digger! What a faggot haha.

If I was going to date girls purely for their physical beauty, and basically treat them like high quality whores, I would get good looking chicks.


Dude Anthony's face is grody as fuck, he should be dating Lady Di.

If Anthony was seeking a serious monogamous relationship with potential of marriage/ a life-long partnership I would be inclined to agree with you. However, as stated many times, Anthony is basically looking to for a girl he can have over to fuck, they can both fuck other people, and they don't have a serious emotional connection, he just has her at his disposal for sex and supporting his delusional thoughts. He buys her things and she puts up with it. That's what he wants!

He's not like some schmucks who date young girls and don't realize they're a gold digger. Anthony wants a gold digger. My point is if you're going to pay for pussy at least pay for top shelf pussy.

Guaranteed there was a day where she sucked off some other dude in NY then drove over to the compound and greeted Ant with a big hello kiss.

gag me w/ a spoon

Jews. They are so lame.

"I would get good looking chicks" sounds like something a 4 year old would say if you asked him "What will your life be like when you're grown up?".

This guy is a jealous schmuck.

You're retarded. Anthony use to date Melissa Stetten, @JaneAnselmo21 and pornstar Taylor Vixen. I'm simply saying his latest girlfriend is way less attractice than these girls.