Did Dopie have his dumb question removed from the replay?

12  2015-07-21 by rachelle11302

I listened to part of the show this morning and heard the same part on the replay when I was driving home. Jimmy was talking about Tyga texting Mia Isabella and Opie actually asked if it was Tiger Woods. Uff! Jim and Sherrod paused in disbelief. I was hoping to hear that again on the replay but it was missing. Anyone else notice this? His ego must really be out of control now if he's asking the Stangels to remove any parts of the show where he looks stupid.


I heard parts of the show during work this morning and remembered opie saying that (I especially remember cause it involved my favorite tranny mia misabella). I listened to the replay later and I didn't hear that part of the convo come up either. Wtf??? If they're really cutting shit out that dopie says, it just shows that tits even knows that he's embarrassingly stupid and trying to cover that up.

Haha you guys still listen to the show.

not once, twice

Is there really anything entertaining on Sirius anymore?

ME: sometimes we switch it up you STUPID FUCK!!!!

Just looked Mia up she looks like a fucking man she's awful. She has that bad plastic surgery that makes your face all shiny.

i have no idea about any of this but yes,yes he did.

He just blurts out whatever he thinks. He's a "fan" of golf and he doesn't even take a second to think that if Tiger Woods got caught again it would have hit his radar.

He's also a legit fan of the Kardashians though, so I'm surprised he's not up and up with the drama surrounding the underaged sex bucket and her embarrassingly bad at rap boyfriend.

You wondered what the Stent Brothers were there for. Dumbass damage control.

If they remove all the times that he's stupid they will have about 5 minutes of show a day left.

The Gregg "Opie" Hughes Show! Now featuring Joseph "Man of Steel" Stalin!

Sounds about right. Probably something that was taught by the legendary brother wease. Hope they die in each others arms.

Catching up with the show this morning. Another completely out of context Opie bashing. He doesn't even ask if it's Tiger Woods. He said 'Not Tiger Woods' ..to which Jimmy and Sherrod reply 'no, no course not - that would make the story even more awesome' ..Clearly as Jim and Sherrod kept saying the name Tyga. Opie sounded more like he was clearing it up for the dumb listeners, so they would know it was Tyga, and not Tiger woods .....

NO ONE needs Opie's help. No one ever needs him to "break it down." Ugh.

They brought up the topic once, got distracted for like 30-60 minutes, then came back to it which is where Opie made the Tiger Woods comment. You probably heard the first mention of it on the replay and thought it was the second time it came up.

Or, you know, keep sifting through shit to find things to get annoyed at.

NO ONE needs Opie's help. No one ever needs him to "break it down." Ugh.