Dumb Opie playing dumb.

16  2015-07-21 by EskimoEscrow


The best part about this is how mad it's going to make Anthony.

"Love both of you guys and Jimmy btw"

Why do grown men need to treat twitter like a fucking diary.

check the time stamp of his response to opies tweet. lol, doesn't look legit.

In Opie's defense, he really IS dumb. Believe me, I don't want to speak well of Opie at all but you do have to admit he is utterly clueless about anything outside of daytime women's television and is completely useless in any kind of conversation.

But does he ever admit it?

whereas Ant would have made some sly joke about Greggshells and throw back a brew like a true bro

And by true bro you mean like a catty bitch exgirlfriend.

he probably knows but i think he really wants to distance himself from the shit Ant does on twitter. he started doing it before the split, saying "that's the other guy" about race shit and stuff like that.

True. He really has nothing to gain at all from commenting on this

he's hardly distancing himself,he shouldn't respond at all to tweets like that.he's enjoying the Ant bashing.

God forbid he sits back and enjoys it. It's not like Ant did everything in his power to lead the same people after Opie, or has continuously made comments about Opie for the past year.

"God forbid"? Thanks for your input, Nana. Try "Heavens to Betsy" next time.

Dear me.

Doesn't wanna tarnish that Opie brand. Someones gotta sell teeshirts and mugs.

The only time he'll admit he doesn't know about something is when he's being passive aggressive.


You can tell he knows that it means because he adds the "why would I do that?". He definitely wants to be completed separated from anything to do with Anthony.

Damn Opie hanging out with Florentine way too much.

"Why? Why would I do dat? Dere's no reason for dat."


2015-07-21 20:05:49 UTC

I have no idea what this means? Why would I do that? twitter.com

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Thats my nigga.Beef is cookin.Real shit

yeah i don't know if he knew or not but i explained it to him anyway. suggesting him and ant can bond over being shit on by the internet at colin's thing

Well you're a helpful lil' guy, aren't ya.


He's not playing.

he had a good line today "idc if my children r watching ISIS videos"

If Opie didn't understand what the guy is talking about, wouldn't he just continue to scroll through his at-mentions and never pay any mind to it again? Why go through the trouble of responding to a stranger only to say "I don't know what you mean"?

wait a minute this is offensive to opie. that cant be done here now

You should post the link more often. http://i.imgur.com/XAZKpOs.jpg


2015-07-21 20:05 UTC

I have no idea what this means? Why would I do that? https://twitter.com/HandredeJager/status/623584347556302848

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PLAYING dumb? are we sure he's not just BEING dumb?


How does this dummy magically know the subscriber numbers? Was that part of the post ant firing deal?

He's bullshitting like always, SXM doesn't have any ratings systems for individual channels, only overall sub numbers.

Yea I know, I just don't understand why he likes to imply that he knows sub numbers

Fuckkkkin YUCCKKKK. That groady bitchAss Nyiggga is getting cocky about his delusional "numbers" again.

Opie is playing chess. Anthony is playing bull in the china shop.

No, he's just utterly stupid. And no, I wouldn't consider some little comment on twitter playing chess. More like high school girl manipulation. Come on buddy, giving tits a little to much credit

Fair enough. But it's master level chess compared to any move Anthony has ever made.

Opie's playing prep-the-bull in the skateboard shop. AH-GOOOSHHH!

True. He really has nothing to gain at all from commenting on this

The only time he'll admit he doesn't know about something is when he's being passive aggressive.

Doesn't wanna tarnish that Opie brand. Someones gotta sell teeshirts and mugs.

he's hardly distancing himself,he shouldn't respond at all to tweets like that.he's enjoying the Ant bashing.

Well you're a helpful lil' guy, aren't ya.