I've gotta say, I hate how Jimmy shuts down if Di makes it on the air.

23  2015-07-21 by buttriot

Her life is actually pretty interesting, in a disastrous way. But Jimmy just does the take his ball and go home thing, won't talk any more, is generally an asshole about it. His reaction is so bad, you would think it's an Opie "bit".


Its the one thing Opie gets right. The wack pack stuff is always good. I love Jimmy but we can skip his opinion on current events for 20 minutes while we catch up on Lady Di

dude its totally not a wack pack. opie is not about stealing stuff from howid.



rattles paper





you don't think Opie is GOOD?


It is kinda babyish but I also kinda get it. Jimmy sees himself as a funny/creative guy and when they go to the Lady Di well day after day it looks like they are incapable of putting out a show without having to scrape the bottom of the barrel for material.

if all you're getting out of Jimmy is tranny jokes and shoot yourself with a shotgun jokes all day, then I don't blame someone for scraping the bottom of the barrel for more material



He also shuts down like that if someone does "hello bbbbbbbbbbbboys"

and Jimmy hates anyone who "doesn't do their job". But his job is to talk on the radio, not to shut down and stop talking.

The lady di bit is literally the same thing over and over for 10 years. like word for word. Sometimes its hilarious, like when colin was in studio with them a few times. But most of the times its very repetitive, its probably hard to pretend you're excited about the bit after 10 years.

Its his job though, people with real jobs cant just have a cunty attitude and decide to not do something just cause they dont feel like it.

But...that's the bit.

Look...Opie has been doing this since he was 18...mentored by the great Brother Wease and he knows comedy!

Jimmy was on a roll with a funny concept and in the middle of everyone laughing and building on that rant, Opie answers a Di call. It's not just answering her call that shuts her down, it's when Opie decides to do it.

Yes, this is the point. FUCKING STEAMROLLER

He should put more effort into mocking human wreckage for money.

You guys just don't get it. Jim seeing Lady Di is like looking into a mirror and seeing the person he will become if he accidentally swallows some mouthwash one morning. The man is in a neverending heroic struggle with his sobriety.

One step at a time.

He probably feels like it's Opie's subtle way of saying that he isn't delivering enough so lets go to the freakshow for entertainment. Towards the end of O&A though, Opie was going to Di almost every day so I can kind of understand Jim being exhausted of listening to the same shit from her every single day. It's just constant lies and nothing new to really make fun of her for. The well is dry is all, and Jim knows it but Opie doesn't.

OK, I just listened to it and I am with Jimmy. They were going off on a dead child bit again and "as a parent" Opie was getting uncomfortable and passive aggressively kills the bit with lady Di.

He's funny when he gets legitimately angry and screams at her or bobo though.

I often wonder if his dislike for her is bit since they had her on for hours when Ant was there. But maybe he was against it then and wouldn't voice his displeasure, like he wouldn't confront Ant but has less fear/respect of Opie.

He did talk about it back then. By late 2013 Jim was sick of Lady Di and would make it pretty clear. Opie made it into a "bit" where he annoyed Jim and Ant with her and Bobo, but it was clear that Jim was really sick of her and Ant didn't care much either way.

He does the same thing with Bobo, but I think that's out of hatred for Bobo as a person.

Where was this in today's show?

The very end, it was pretty funny.

Thanks a ton.

No need to thank E-Rock.

He shut down today because Opie intentionally cut in when he was on a tear. Opie doesn't like dead kid bits, so he cut it off. That's a shitty way to treat jimmy.

Yeah, that bugs me too. Lady Di updates are the only reason I ever poke my head back into O&J.

My guess is that since Jimmy has been around recovering alcoholics for more or less his whole life, it just infuriates and exhausts him to see someone so selfishly given over to it.

Remember when Bobo was a part of the show and then even he jumped ship

haha I never thought about it like that


In Jimmy's defense, he was on fire and op shut him down with the lady di. It was the timing that pissed him off, rightfully so.

Gregg brought the show to a screeching halt with it. That's why Jim was livid. He had just finished a successful riff and the non-contributing Gregg "bobo" Hughes decides to steer the ship into the jagged coastline.


Lady Di brings the show to a screeching halt. It's just depressing at this point. She's so drunk all the time that she is impossible to even talk to. If I was Jimmy and had to put up with this crap for 10 years, I would be depressed, frustrated, and eventually resentful.

Jimmy = Lady Di if he didn't give the light beer.

What does that even mean you babbling twat.?