Proof I was the guy with Patrice in the McDonalds rest stop.

38  2015-07-21 by YouAintGotToLieCraig

I told him it was cold out here.


Hmm, that's exactly what Patrice said... This adds up.

Only the guy who was there would know what he said.

Where is the open-all-night Christmas tree shop?


Did I miss something? Did that asshole delete his post about being doxxed?

Yup. You can still find it here but he deleted his comments. You can still find them in archives

Haha, what a fucking loser.

Anthony DM'd him and threatened legal action if he didn't.

sue everyone!

So did you suck his dick or not? Patrice was never clear on that point.

Holy shit! This is fucking crazy! You really should've called in when Patrice was telling the story.

It's Creepy Cold Guy! Go in and get some coffee.

Or some mittens.

What kinda car did you have and what was on top of the car. I need more proof.

My car was made out of bologna. It had a giant menorah tied to the roof.

Are you sure? Patrice said something else. But maybe he couldn't see your car very well....

My ruse has been foiled.

Aha mister! Already thought something was awry, because you sounded Jewish.

It was a Subaru you kike fuck.

Sounds legit

I call bullshit, do you know how many layers of flab you would have to lift up to get to Patrices penis if he was sitting up in a car seat?

No one wanted to blow that fat scary looking black guy, he just needed a good story to tell.

I would ask Patrice for drugs, before I ask him for sex if I did not know him.

Haha, what a fucking loser.

Only the guy who was there would know what he said.