Difference between Ant and Lady Di

8  2015-07-21 by hkpp

About 7 figures.


Lady Di gets airtime on Sirius


Lady Di is welcome in the building. She just cannot waddle there on her own. Ant can but is unable to get past reception. Cruel irony.

What's the difference between ant and bill cosby?

Fame in the 80's

Throughout all the years of emotional immaturity, drug use, crippling alcoholism, wasted opportunities, abhorrent relationships, and treating their bodies like chemical toilets, Lady Di doesn't fancy herself a the zenith of what a respectable white man should be.

Exactly. It's so ironic they ragged on her during her internship, when they're the same exact piece of shit.

they're the same exact piece of shit.

are they?

Neither of them is a good parent (get it), neither of them works, both balding, both jaundiced, both in denial of their shittiness, one has a velociraptor and the other has bed bugs. Pretty much the same person.

7 figure nigger by the name of Cumia.

One cup size.


They both got assaulted by one at least.

And lied about details in the aftermath. Lady Di was buying crack, Ant was taking creep shots.

And about 200lbs
