The TACS subreddit Don't Think Too Highly of Us!

0  2015-07-21 by KingTutsstache


Fuck those cunts.

I've never visited that subreddit before but honestly their discussion of this whole Anth with people's personal info shit is mostly on point. A lot of people saying it was a pretty fucked up thing to do (which it was) without the insane overreactions and multiple spam threads we get here.

I'm really happy to see a reasonable comment. This forum has pretty much turned into this: which is clearly an insane person with an unhealthy obsession. It was fun to hate Opie because he's incompetent and easy to laugh at. Hating Anthony...I mean, he's a competent enough guy put in a shitty spot and gets through a 2 hour show by himself 4 days a week...if you disagree with him or think he gets boring, then thats just your opinion. He's not humorously bad like scorch, todd, or opie, you just don't like him. and forming a angry mob against him just makes you come off as very sensitive, and you might as well be on an anti-glen beck website.


Careful fella. You don't wanna bite the hand that feeds you know?

They're paying for the show, of course they're in denial

That fella with the gout says that things here changed for the worse around April. I wasn't here then, is he right? What was this sub like a year ago then? All compliments and only genuinely 100% proven criticisms?

I was one of them at one point posting everyday, catching every live show. But I honestly stopped giving a shit about race talk it sounded more like he was pushing an agenda then doing a comedy show and also rat is annoying as fuck.

you're the only one I miss.

Ya I miss our talks on there and Ron and fez but this has been a weird year, an atomic bomb has basically hit all of our favorite radio shows and it sucks.

man, would I love a reset button right now.

Can you blame them this place has become shill central. Either Viral Spiral has sent a task force down here or the ACLU is shipping in fake accounts by the truck loads. Ant deserves criticism for his laziness at times and low quality of work but whats going on here now is laughably shilly.

I'd also include "people who thought they could become Ant's friends and get a Compound invite but didn't and now seek to destroy him through multiple accounts" in the group of people invading this sub.

I can see that sure

Yes, but this is the perfect embodiment of the worst part of reddit. We surely aren't as crazy as the people on The Red Pill or CoonTown! We are dopes that are shitting on a radio show, yet we are more active and having more fun than the angry Mofo's on a lot of these hate-filled subs.

the most popular posts used to get 20+ upvotes. Now there's hundreds of people interested in this shit? or is it more likely a few "benjis" are sitting around voting and posting like crazy. I wish Anthony was so popular that he has hundreds of haters. Us all being losers is a much more likely option.

fuuuuuuck yeah!! This place needs to go Robin shit or sumpin... tssss tssksss

What a faggot. Their jokes stink.


That don't make no sense.

Thats because the SJW/jews/blacks/opie apoligists/anti funny alts have taken over.

Edit: looks like the sjws have won, just the other day i was calling out niggers until i was kicked out of the store! Freedom of speach shall not be taken from the person, 'the constitution'

SJWs and opie apologists I would gather.