I think Jimmy and Anthony are both devastated.

0  2015-07-20 by monkdick

They both are still grieving. Ant has become a full fledged raging alcoholic, that can't pass the denial stage, and poor Jimmy losing Anthony and having to deal with the Opester alone has developed an eating disorder. All because of the firing. Opie is still the happy go lucky dumbass that doesn't know how to feel. I feel sorry for Ant and Jim both. I hope they get well soon and get their shit together. Fuck Opie.


Jimmy doesn't have to do anything. He's an adult. He opted to sign on to a show with just Opie because that's what he wanted to do.

You'll never be able to convince the fanboys. No, in their minds Opie held a gun to Jimmy's head and made him sign.

Auupie forced me to sell out....appple fallzzzz

What he personally enjoys and what he needs to do financially are two entirely different things.

Yea, he chose to work with sirius, but if you think hes enjoying his non chemistry with opie and the stangel brothers on a morning zoo show over hanging at the kid fuck house with cumia you're delusional.

Any of the appearances on ants show, watch him light up like a sweet little boy and then listen to the caustic indifference of him on O and J.

Yeah and I'd love to hang out getting blowjobs all day long instead of going to work too. Everyone has to do shit they don't wanna do. Not everyone makes grandiose statements about "creative integrity" and "Hollywood hypocrisy" and "corporate bullshit" and then goes against everything they've ever talked about with the signing of one contract though.

He'd have to take a huge cut in pay to go play at ants house.

He prolly not willing to drop that 30 percent raise if it means getting ant back

Opie. You can't live with him, can't live without him. Am I right?

Words of wisdom patmcpsu, words of wisdom. But that problem can always be corrrrrected. Josef Frtizl, 2008 feminist of the year, found the best way.

Opie. You can't live with him, can't live without him. Am I right?

Is this one of Anthony's gems from the roast? "it's gold Jerry, gold "

Someone, wifflebb aka nigga be you, didn't listen to the show nor understands show references. If you have the means, I highly recommend it. Yessssss.

You are embarrassingly stupid aren't you? I was being sarcastic asking if that was one of Anthony's bombs from his set at the roast. Yes, I have listened to it. I posted the torrent link. You may be to stupid to actually find humor in anything. I feel sorry for your mother.

Looks like a certain somebody, nigga be you, has started throwing their toys out of the pram.

And then what happened?

Jimmy still grieving from 2004 and 2011 devastation.

Oh fuck off, with your bullshit knowledge.

is he really a "raging" alcoholic now? I havent really seen much of his show, is there particular examples of how people know this or is it just something people say?

He's drunk on a daily basis. Opie and Ron have both comented on it.

You realize he's always been that way right?

The hate on Ant is less about Ant becoming worse, and more people finally realizing what a shithead he always was.

Totally. I've commented several times that Opie did a lot to protect him.

but has he done more to make it a reason to hate him? drinking every day isnt really a big deal to me if someone can afford to do it? no?

It brings out his racism to a larger degree and he largely forgets to be funny. His drinking had a hugely negative impact on the last 5 or so years of O&A.

I don't hate him, and I don't see a problem with drinking or even drugs everyday if someone can control themselves. I think alcohol is interfering with his reasoning. Something is anyway. That makes it a problem.

Yeah, when you drink or do drugs EVERY DAY, pretty much means you're not controlling yourself. Cumia drinks from the time he gets up in the morning until he blacks out at night. He probably has many neurological effects by now.

You'll never be able to convince the fanboys. No, in their minds Opie held a gun to Jimmy's head and made him sign.

What he personally enjoys and what he needs to do financially are two entirely different things.

Yea, he chose to work with sirius, but if you think hes enjoying his non chemistry with opie and the stangel brothers on a morning zoo show over hanging at the kid fuck house with cumia you're delusional.

Any of the appearances on ants show, watch him light up like a sweet little boy and then listen to the caustic indifference of him on O and J.

Looks like a certain somebody, nigga be you, has started throwing their toys out of the pram.

He prolly not willing to drop that 30 percent raise if it means getting ant back

Auupie forced me to sell out....appple fallzzzz