Happy Birthday, Lyle Chip Chipperson.

92  2015-07-19 by GumbleDog


Fuck, I miss my radio show.

I know how you feel

This is the best kind of Yuma.

Good clean hewmuh.

I think uncle Paul submitted both of those birthday wishes

I love that they lingered longer on the Chip picture.

I'm sure the kid would have appreciated the extra screen time a little more. Shit like this is the difference between a C market, and a B market producer.

Fuck. This has to be the first time I've smiled seeing something in this sub in over a year.

There's a clip out there with them discussing these birthday wishes on air. I think Bill Burr was in that day. Does anyone have it?

Very very funny but this wasn't what I was talking about. What I meant was they were discussing the clip with the news giving Lyle Chip Chippersson a birthday wish and how ridiculous the person in the photo was.

This. It was up there before but I didn't find it earlier today when looking for it. Just one where Teddy Sheckler turned 12, but there were more out there.

When they mention Uncle Paul. Glorious.

I heard one of these where it was tagged with "And love Kenny, the slowest dog in the world."

did they ever talk about this on the show?

OMG hilarious.

Now I want to send one into the Sprout channel for his 5th birthday by his Uncle Paul.